Unnat Bharath Abiyan, CDP

Year 2024 - 2025

16. 07.2024 - Orientation for the staff members of community development program was organized on 16th July 2024. Execution of the action plan of this academic year was discussed. UBA coordinator Dr. Bulomine Regi listed the new programmes, which is to be conducted this year. Dr. B. Divya CDP coordinator explained need and method of documentation.

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Year 2023 - 2024

17.07.2023- Department of History and Department of Commerce (SSC) organised an Orientation Programme for the I and II year part V students for the Community Development programme Skills on 17th July 2023. Mr.D. Senthil Kannan, Director, Palms, Tirunelveli, Mr. D. Manikandan, Founder, Arame Thavam Mr.Christopher, We Can Trust, Thoothukudi, and Mrs. Angeline Koilraj, Manager, CFS Association, Thoothukudi were the resource persons. They enunciated all the skill requisites for the successful work of students to the society.

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Year 2022 - 2023

On 10th August 2022 the students of II B.Com A, Department of Commerce (SSC) organized an awareness program on flag hoisting in Mukkani. To celebrate the 75th Independence day of our country, the students performed various acts to emphasise the sacrifice of our freedom fighters and the history of our national flag for the people of Mukkani.

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Year 2021 - 2022

On 21st June 2021 P.G. and Research Department of English, conducted a two-week Aari embroidery workshop for the women of Tharuvaikulam Village from May to June. 32 women from the village participated in the workshop.

On 28th June 2021 P.G. and Research Department of English, conducted a two-week Aari embroidery workshop for the women of Tharuvaikulam Village in the month of June. The Valediction of the workshop took place on 28 June 2021.32 women from the village participated in the workshop.

On 30 June 2021 P.G. and Research Department of English, conducted the second two week Aari embroidery workshop for the women of Tharuvaikulam Village in the month of June. 28 women from the village participated in the workshop.

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Year 2020 - 2021



                      Village : Periyanayagapuram, Korampallam Panchayat

                      Beneficiaries : 25 families in the adopted village

                      Date : 18.04.2020


                      Village : North Korampallam Panchayat and South Kalangarai

                      Beneficiaries : 50 Children

                     Date : 28.04.2020

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Year 2019 - 2020

Orientation Programme to Staff who Involve in UBA Activities - Date: 17.07.2019

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, St.Mary’s College gave orientation to Staff who involve in UBA activities on 17th July 2019. Dr.S.Kulandai Therese, UBA coordinator welcomed the staff and explained about Unnat Bharat Abhiyan programme. Tmty.Rajathi, Morning Trust described the needs of village people

Orientation Programme to Students who involve in UBA activities - Date: 20.07.2019

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, St.Mary’s College gave orientation to students who involve in UBA activities on 20th July 2019. Ms. AdshayaNanduri, the Project Manager of Infosys inaugurated the session. Dr. Sr. S.Kulandai Therese, UBA Co-ordinator, welcomed the gathering. The student representatives from each department read their respective Action Plan for the year 2019-20. Students representatives from each department read the Action Plan for the year 2019-2020. Panchayat

Clerk, Former village Councilors and representatives from the adopted villages – Servaikaranmadam, Maravanmadam, Pazhayakayal, Korampallam and Tharuvaikulam were

honoured. Rev.Dr.Sr.A.S.J Lucia Rose, Principal, delivered the Presidential address. Ms. Adshaya Nanduri addressed the students and planted saplings in the campus. Representatives from Morning Star Trust, Lions Club, V Can Trust, Diamond Shipping Agency, JCI organization and Ambigammal Technical Institution oriented the students on various topics. Various development schemes such as Terrace gardening, Water conservation, Rain water harvesting and self-employment development programme schemes such as tailoring, fashion designing, were discussed by many social activists who headed the programme and also insisted this practice in our day today life and also to create an awareness in the adopted villages. Parallel sessions on Bio-Gas demonstration, Tree Plantation and Soft - skill trainings were given to the students. Rotary Club of St. Mary's college also supported the programme. The students actively participated in all the activities.

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Year 2018 - 2019

Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics organized a CDP visit to Mettupatti on 20th July 2018. The students of II B.Sc Mathematics took survey and analysed the life style of the people. On 29th September 2018, the department organized a CDP visit to Bethany Convent. Rev. Sr.Decla gave a talk on Prison Ministry and the students organized cultural programme for the old aged Sisters. The department visited Koramballam village on 27th October 2018 and conducted a Plastic Awareness Programme through Human Chain. The second visit to Koramballam was made on 26th January 2019. Trees were planted, celebrated Republic Day on the topic Patriotism and the family survey was taken. On 2nd February 2019 the students visited the houses and completed the survey. On 16th March 2019 voting awareness progamme was organized.

Department of Computer Science
On 27.10.2018 the second year B.Sc. Computer Science students visited the adopted village Tharuvaikulam. Awareness to avoid plastics was given through cultural programs based on the theme “No Plastics”. We reached the spot at 2.30 pm. The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Edward made all the necessary arrangements to conduct the awareness programme.  Around 150 people assembled in front of the church to watch the cultural performance. The event started around 2.45pm in the noon. The event began with a prayer song. Ms. Lishanthini of II B.Sc. Computer Science welcomed the gathering.

The following was the Programmes List:
1. Prayer song
2.Welcome address
3. Conversation
4. Mime
5. Tamil Drama
6. Human Chain
7. Oath Taking
8. Presidential Address
9. Vote of thanks
10. National Anthem


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Year 2017 - 2018

Department of Physics
On 21st October 2017, dengue awareness programme was conducted in collaboration with Kayalpatnam municipality in the Kombuthurai village. Dr.Pon Vel Raju, Sanitary inspector delivered a talk on health and hygiene.110 children and 60 women of the village were benefitted. “Nila vembu kashayam” was distributed to all the people. Also 25 saplings were planted in the village.
On 16th December 2017, II year students visited the people of Anna colony, Thoothukudi and took the census.
On 4th February 2018 a Free Eye Screening camp was organized at Kombuthurai village in collaboration with Vasan eye care hospital, Thoothukudi. 75 people of Kombuthurai village benefitted from the camp.

Department of Chemistry
On Sep. 23rd 2017, 45 students of II BSc chemistry accompanied by Dr.Mrs. Irudaya Antonat Sophia and Mrs.B.Divya visited St.Mary’s school, Pazhayakayal . Students were divided into eight groups and they handled classes from I to VIII . They showed educational and animated videos in Science, Maths, Tamil, general knowledge and English. Students also created awareness regarding environmental issues and social problems. Students also demonstrated simple science experiments and instructed them to do the same.
On Jan.29th, 2018 II B.Sc Chemistry participated in the “Prison Ministry” meeting at Bethany convent. Thoothukudi organized by Rev. Dr. Sr. Decla. In the meeting Sister insisted the mental agony faced by the prisoners and their family, and how prison ministry has turned into a wholesome person.

Department of Commerce
The outreach activities of Department of Commerce commenced on 20th July 2017 in the adopted area Dhupaspatti , a small village situated on the outskirts of Thoothukudi. A group of 56 students of II BCOM along with three staff members Ms.Maria Celine [HOD], Ms.Jeya Selvi, and Ms.Bhanumathi accompanied the students. The residents of the area participated with great interest. Ms.Jeya Selvi gave an awareness about the usage of readymade packet mixes and their effects. The people were advised to use fresh groceries and fruit juices. The inmates of the area interacted well with the students. The children enjoyed the snacks which were distributed to them. On 20.7.2017 Dr.Stella Beatrice Nirmala, Dr.Mary Judith
Reene Fernando,Mrs.Daisy Bai and Mrs.Jenifer Trina accompanied the students to the adopted village Thupaspatti to carry out a survey on the socio-economic conditions of the people living in the village.
On 18.12.2017 the staff members and the students went to the adopted area and had Christmas celebration with cultural activities and they also planted saplings. Mrs. Jeyaselvi, Mrs. Elizabeth James, Dr.Stella Beatrice Nirmala, Dr.Fernando Alexandria ,Mrs, Banumathi, Mrs.Jenifer Trina and Mrs.Indra Refline accompanied the students and carried on tree plantation activity along with Christmas day celebration.
On 9.02.2018 Mrs.Daisy Bai along with the students made a visit to Bethany, house of Servite sisters and the students were given awareness on prison ministry undertaken by the sisters of the congregation of Mother of Sorrows Servants of Mary.

Department of Economics
Banking awareness programme was arranged for Jeeva nagar people on 16-09-2017 by Mr. Mohan Gandhi, Manager, TMB, Thoothukudi
Women Protection Awareness Programme was organised on 14-10-2017 in which Ms. Pasa Malar, Advocate, District Court, Tirunelveli was the resource person.
Christmas function was celebrated on 16-12-2017. Dr.J.Moses Gnanakkan, Assistant Professor, Bishop Caldwell College, Thoothukudi delivered the Christmas Message.

Department of English (SSC)
The Department of English (SSC) organized the Community Development Programme on 16th December 2017 in our adopted area Alanthalai. The parish priest Rev.Fr.Wilson welcomed the students, he explained about the environment and also about the rules and regulations of the place. To create awareness among the people on our Prime Minister’s concept of “Swachh Bharat Mission”, the students divided themselves into five groups and cleaned the sea shore.
The secondary students of Alanthalai were motivated by our students to get good marks in their government exams and also to pursue their higher education. During the culturals, the students celebrated the joy of Christmas with the primary school students. Games were conducted and prizes were awarded for the participants. The students participated enthusiastically.

Department of Microbiology
II UG students along with Ms.Anitta went for CDP to Kumarakiri on 29thSeptember. 40 Students involved in the programme took census for about 85 families. The students took census on water facilities, irrigation problems and unemployment.

Department of Computer Science
On 15-07-2017 the first visit to the village. Six groups were created. Each group had met 25 houses in the village. Students asked about their life and enquired their need also. Rev.Fr.Soosai Raja helped with the arrangement.
At the end of the program Rev.Fr.soosai Raja Spoke about our students performance. The Villagers enjoyed our program very much. Students gave a lot of information about Important of saving money and women’s education. All our students had nice experience in the CDP on that day. The villagers easily mingled with us. It is very happy for us. At last with great thanks to the Fr. Soosai Raja and all the village people we left that place over 7:30p
As a part of CDP on 13.09.18 the students visited Bethany. Ms. Gnanathangam and Ms.Andrews Felicita accompanied. Rev.Sr. Decla Mary OSM showed power points about Prison Ministry India. We were motivated to join as volunteers for the Prison Ministry India.
The department of computer science chose Lucia centre to celebrate Christmas on December 16,2017. Records of Lucia centre were looked into for survey details. Programmes were organized for those children by students. Ms. Jothimani and Rev. Sr. A. Sahaya Mercy OSM accompanied.

Department of Mathematics
The Community Development Programme (CDP) for the academic year 2017-2018 was inaugurated on 2nd September 2017 at Vembar. On the same day, a Bank Awareness Programme was organized by the department of Mathematics, in collaboration with Central Bank of India, Thoothukudi. The students of II B.Sc. Mathematics of St. Mary’s College, self help group of women and some people of our adopted area gathered together for the meeting conducted at the auditorium of St.Sebasthiyar School, Vembar. Rev. Fr. Pratheeban, Parish Priest of Holy Ghost Church, Vembar was the chief guest. Mr.Hariharan, Manager of Central Bank of India gave the awareness about the basic facilities of the bank and list out the government schemes available in the bank. Also he highlighted the mobile banking. After the completion of the programme, our students went around to take survey, regarding the toilet facilities in the houses and found, there are houses without toilet facility.
The next visit of the Community Development Programme (CDP) for the academic year 2017-2018 was on 16th December 2017 at Vembar. The students of II B.Sc. Mathematics of St. Mary’s College actively participated and enthusiastically organized a Christmas day Celebration for the people. Sr. Amala Lisy, Head Mistress of St.Sebasthiyar Middle School
was the Chief Guest. She gave a valuable speech on the day and our students encouraged the children by organizing games and gave prizes to the winners.

Department of English
On 8th July 2017, the first meeting of CDP was organized at Nathakulam for the students of II B.A English. Ms. Pasamalar, a well-known criminal lawyer was the guest of the day. Fr. Justin was the guest of Honour. Ms. Pasamalar delivered an address on the legal problems faced by the women and suggested means as to how to overcome them. Her speech instilled an awakening in the minds of the rural inhabitants of Nathakulam. Fr. Justin enlightened the people with his inspiring speech on the ideology of women’s liberation. Also students gave variety programmes such teaching basic English, singing motivational songs, enacting skits and giving awareness about health and hygiene to empower the women and children at Nathakulam.
On 21 September 2017, Ms. N. Sumathi, Ms. Carmel Ms. Mary Manonmani and Ms. Sophia Philomin escorted the II B.A English students to Bethany. Sr. Decla, former principal of St. Mary’s College gave an awareness on Prison Ministry of India through audio and video presentation. The studens acquired information about the physical and psychic problems of the prisoners. Then Sr. Decla gave an inspiring address on the selfless services rendered by the prison ministry through their frequent visits to many prisons. The members of PMI organized manyprogrammes such as counseling, competitions, games etc. in order to lessen the psychological burden of the prisoners and let them prepare for a new life after their imprisonment. Sr. Decla reiterated the fact that the members not only visited the prisoners but also their family members to build a healthy rapport with them. Her motivational talk instructed the students to do such social services in future.
On 16 December, 2017 Ms. Sharon Roque Corera and Ms. X. Amala Steffi accompanied the students to Nathakulam to celebrate Christmas. The day started with the free eye camp consisting of 7 members from Vasan Eye Care Hospital, Thoothukudi to better the vision of the rural people. The Students welcomed the gathering and games like musical chair and quizzes were conducted and later on prizes were distributed. Christmas was celebrated to share love and joy. A speech was given on the significance of Christmas.

Department of Botany
On 16.09.17 in Amalinagar the inaugural of CDP took place. Amalinagar is a fisherman village located near Thiruchendur murugan temple. It belongs to Thoothukudi District. II B.Sc students along with three staff members met the people and distributed 25 tree saplings. On the
same day students took part in community and coastal cleaning. Students surveyed on availability of toilet facility and found 20 houses are in need of toilets.
On 26th September 2017 hands on training on seaweed as fertilizer was conducted. Dr. Flora Assistant professor department of Botany gave a lecture about the importance of seaweeds. 15 people participated and got benefitted. In 20 houses the kitchen garden was laid and seeds were distributed.

Department of Zoology
On 14th September 2017, 42 students of П B.Sc., Zoology accompanied by two staff members Dr. Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz and Dr. S.R.T. Sherly Cross visited the adopted area, Keelavaippar. We arranged an awareness programme on Food Adulteration for the children of St. Louise Hr.Sec. School, Keelavaippar. Mrs. Vasanthi Head Mistress of St. Louise Hr.Sec. School felicitated the programme. Mr. Sivasilam Health Inspector from Vilathikulam was the chief guest. He explained the students about what is adultration, how the food materials are adultered and what are the ill effects of adultration. He also demonstrated, how to identify the adulterated food.

Department of Mathematics SSC
The community development programme was held on 2nd Sep 2017, the students of second year Mathematics, cleaned the adopted area Mukkani. They planted saplings in the surrounding areas and school with the support of the village people and the Parish Priest of Palayakayal.
On 16th Dec 2017, our students celebrated Christmas programme with the school children and with the people of Mukkani .The Parish Priest of Palayakayal, gave the message on the birth of Christ and about Christmas. The students conducted many programmes and the village President distributed gifts and prizes to the students.

Department of Commerce (SSC)
The Department of Commerce (SSC) in collaboration with the Bharathi Lions Club, Thoothukudi conducted a medical camp on general medicine and Diabetics in the Thai Nagar and Thalamuthunagar adopted areas on 2nd September 2017, Saturday. In order to bring a healthy environment in the adopted areas the camp was held. Proper notices and announcements were given on the previous day regarding the medical camp in order to ensure thrift among the people. As targeted, many households actively participated in the Eye Camp in collaboration with Lions Club and were benefitted by the camp. Medicines were issued at free of cost and also necessary tests were taken for the diabetic patients.
The Department of Commerce (SSC) celebrated the Christmas in the Thai Nagar and Thalamuthunagar adopted areas on 20nd December 2017, Saturday.

Department of History
The Department of History and Department of Computer science jointly organised Plastic Awareness Programme on 27.10.2017 in the adopted area, Tharuvaikulam, Thoothukudi. The students created awareness about the harmful effects of plastics. As a result of this awareness programme through skit, human chain, mime and a talk by the students. The people were motivated towards the use of non-plastic products in their day to day life. The programme instigated the ban of plastic to be more effective. Rev.Fr.Edward, Parish priest made all the arrangements and he gave a lecture on “No to Plastic”. The people demanded the cleaning of the garbage which is nearby their area. In short, this awareness programme created an awareness among the people of Tharuvaikulam.

Year 2016 - 2017

Department of English
In order to promote an integrated education among the students, our college has initiated Community Development Programme. All the II UG students participate in this programme which is an integral part of the curriculum. Department of English has adopted a village called Adaikalapuram- Nathakulam to give social exposure to our students. The students and staff from our department have visited the adopted village thrice and taken socio-economic survey, conducted awareness programmes to the people in the village regarding the government schemes available to the common man. On 19.12.2016 and celebrated Christmas along with the people and provided material help.
The inaugural meeting was held on 20.08.2016 in Nathakulam, Adaikalapuram, the adopted village. Rev. Fr. Justin, Parish Priest, Adaikalapuram inaugurated and felicitated the gathering. The elders of the village were also present. 50 students along with three teachers were greeted hospitably by the village inmates. Socio- economic survey was conducted by the II B.A. English Literature students of Community Development Programme.
On 24 September 2016, the Department of English organized Community Development Programme at the adopted village Nathakulam and conducted series of programes like free eye camp, tree plantation, health awareness and adult literacy. Three members of the faculty and 64students of II B.A English Literature visited Nathakulam. Rev. Fr. Justin made all the arrangements for the successful conduct of the programmes. The people received everyone with good hospitality. The students actively participated in it and brought an awakening about the need of a healthy environment in the minds of the village people.
The day started with the free eye camp by two experienced doctors and a lab technician from Agarwal Eye Hospital, Thoothukudi which was an eye opener to the entire programme. Moreover the students gave adult education to few people. Some of the students gave awareness programme through their speech, songs and placards on health and hygiene, cleanliness, education about good nutrition and preservation of the environment was given to the people. Then the staff presented saplings to the village elders and planted them in the village in order to make the village a pollution free one. The day came to an end with a formal vote of thanks.
On the 19th of December the students made their next CDP visit to Nathakulam. Ms. Josephine Alangara Betsy, Mrs. Sudha Rani, Ms. Sharon Roque Corera and Mrs. Linus Jude
escorted the students. The II B.A students went for house visit and invited the residents of the village for the Christmas celebration. Rev. Fr. Justin, Parish Priest, Adaikalapuram and a few village elders presided over the function. Games were also conducted for the residents of Nathakulam and prizes were distributed. Useful goods which were previously collected by the students were distributed among the people. The Santa Claus dance was enjoyed by the kids to the core. The program came to an end with the National Anthem.
On 24th March the II B.A. English Literature students along with Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo,
Mrs. Serena Margaret and Mrs. Sophia Philomin visited Bethany in connection with the Prison
Ministry at 2p.m. Sr. Amalita briefed the mental, physical and the psychological sufferings of the Prisoners and the need for providing them a stress free life through Counselling. Fr. Benjamin De Souza, Director of TMSS, Catholic Bishop’s House - Bethany gave a thought provoking lecture on the pathetic conditions of prisoners in general and those of Thoothukudi and Palayamkottai in particular and about the need for their rehabilitation on their completing the prison life. He explained how through prison ministry commission the members are able to build up a bridge between the prisoners and their families through periodical visits and requested the students to join hands with them in the field work to conduct programmes to make the prisoners happy. It became a memorable event for the students. They were shocked to know of the multiple facets of crimes and the circumstances leading to the committal of the crime and above all the sufferings of the prisoners in consequence.

Department of History
The staff and students of the Department of History visited the adopted area Vempar on 17th December 2016 and gave awareness about the various Government Welfare Schemes and training on hand art work.
The Department of History and Department of Computer science jointly organised Plastic Awareness Programme on 27.10.2016 in the adopted area, Tharuvaikulam, Thoothukudi. The students created awareness about the harmful effects of plastics. As a result of this awareness programme through skit, humanchain, mime and a talk by the students. The people were motivated towards the use of non-plastic products in their day to day life. The programme instigated the ban of plastic to be more effective. Rev.Fr.Edward, Parish priest made all the arrangements and he gave a lecture on “No to Plastic”. The people demanded the cleaning of the garbage which is nearby their area. In short, this awareness programme created an awareness among the people of Tharuvaikulam.

Department of Zoology
As a part of extension activity, the department has adopted the coastal village Keelavaippar located in VilathikulamTaluk in Thoothukudi district. It is located 31 km towards North from District head quarters Thoothukudi.
The first visit was on 20th August 2016 to the adopted village. The II B.Sc Zoology students accompanied by two staff members Dr. P. J. Joslin and Mrs S. Selvi went to the village and surveyed their socio economic status. Our students made house visit, interact with them and collected information about their family members, education, occupation, family income etc. On that day our students visited about 76 houses and collected their details. Our second visit was on 28th October. The Parish priest of Keelavaippar motivated the students to help the poor students of this village. On that day, students collected information from 65 families. From the two visits, it was known that there are about 650 families. Almost all the families are below the poverty line. Fishing is the main job and most of them are employed as coolies. Many families have without sanitation facilities. People are poorly educated, reaching schooling at the maximum.
The inaugural function of the community Development Programme was celebrated on 28.8.2016 at St. Louis Higher Secondary School, Keelavaippar. Rev.Fr. Dixon, Parish Preist of Keelavaippar was the chief guest. The function began with a prayer song. Mrs. S. Selvi Assistant Professor of Zoology welcomed the gathering. Rev. Fr. Dixon gave inaugural address. Mrs.Vasanthy, Headmistress of St. Louis Higher Secondary School motivated the students to take active part in the social activities. She also discussed the importance of kindness towards the poor and needy students who are unable to continue their studies because of poverty. Students performed cultural programmes. The people of Keelavaippar were enjoyed and the programme came to an end with the vote of thanks.
A free eye camp in association with Star Lion’s Club of Thoothukudi and Vasan Eye Hospital was organised at Keelavaippar from 10 a.m on October 2016. More than 250 students and many other villagers came to attend the camp for their eye check-up. Spectacles were given to the patients at concessional rates. It was a worth benefiting camp.
Dengue fever is the second most widespread mosquito- borne disease in the world Dengue awareness programme was conducted at the adopted area on 25th October 2016. The programmme was aimed to ensure the students of the village carry effective message for prevention of this disease to their homes and to their neighborhoods. Mr. Raja (TMSS) explained the methods for prevention and cure from this vector borne disease. Vector control
is the backbone of dengue prevention and good environmental management, effective solid waste management and better management of water and water resources are key elements of vector control. The village people benefitted by this awareness programme.

Department of Mathematics
The Community Development Programme (CDP) for the academic year 2016-2017 was inaugurated on 1st October 2016 at Vembar. The students of II B.Sc. Mathematics of St. Mary’s College and self-help group women of our adopted area gathered together and the Rev. Fr. Sahayaraj, Parish Priest of Holy Ghost Church, Vembar presided over the meeting. The meeting started with the prayer song. Rev. Father gave a motivational talk to the students about the village Vembar. Also, he gave the information about the history of Vembar and the life style of the people. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks. After the inauguration, census was taken by the students regarding the economic status and the facilities of the people and the village. The village people extended their full cooperation to our students. The students understood the difficulties faced by the girl children and ladies of the village through the visit.
On 20th December 2016, Christmas day was celebrated. Cultural programs were organized by our students to entertain the people. Also games were conducted for the children and prizes were distributed. Saplings were distributed to A sewing machine was provided to a financially backward woman to earn her living. Christmas dresses were distributed to the poor children. At the end sweets were distributed to all.
A one day free eye camp in collaboration with Agarwal eye hospital was organized by the department of Mathematics on 18.3.2017. The students of II B.Sc. Mathematics of St. Mary’s College (Autonomous) gathered the people for the eye camp and guided them. Rev. Fr. Sahayaraj, Parish Priest of Holy Ghost Church, Vembar was the chief guest. The people of that locality were greatly benefitted by this eye camp.

Department of Microbiology
II UG students along with Ms.Anitta went for CDP to Kumarakiri on 29thSeptember. 40 Students are involved in this programme took census for about 85 families. The students took census on water facilities, irrigation problems and unemployment.
II UG students along with Ms.C.Siluvai Kirubagari Aneeshia and Ms.James Ammal went for CDP to Punnakayal on 24th September 2016. 40 Students took census for about 85 families. II UG students along with Ms.C.Siluvai Kirubagari Aneeshia and Ms.James Ammal went for CDP to Punnakayal on 24th September 2016.40 Students are involved in this programme took census for about 85 families. The following activities were conducted in the CDP area, Census data collection, Entertaining Games activities, Helping the School children,
needy people, Awareness on Health & Hygiene. Ms. Jamesammal and Ms.Anitta accompanied students from II B.Sc Microbiology to Tharavaikulam church as a part of Christmas day celebration. The students interacted with the kids in the nearby school. Ms.Anitta gave a small message on the birth of Jesus Christ enlightening them about the importance of Christmas day. Department of Physics
On 25th August 2016 CDP was inaugurated at Kombuthurai. II UG students went to the houses in groups of four and met the people there. They spoke to them and came to know about their life style. They advised them on the importance of education.
On 26th January 2017, Christmas, New Year and Pongal celebrations conducted as part of the CDP. Games were conducted for 75 school going children and prizes were awarded. Sweet pongal was distributed to the children. A training programme to prepare detergent powder, phenyl and cleaning powder was conducted for 50 women of the village. Rev.Fr.Maria Jo On 25th August 2016 CDP was inaugurated at Kombuthurai. Students of II year physics were the active members of CDP. They visited the people of the village and collected the particulars about them. Students were able to know about their life style, economic and social conditions. The students advised them on the importance of education.
On 26th January 2017 people of the village were invited to take part in the Christmas, New year and Pongal celebrations conducted as part of the CDP. Games were conducted for 75 school going children and prizes were awarded. Sweet pongal was distributed to the children. A training programme on preparation of detergent powder, phenyl and cleaning powder was conducted for 50 women of the village. Rev.Fr.Maria John organised the gathering. Village people actively participated in the preparation and felt that it was beneficial to them.
On March 11, 2017 a free medical camp was organized at Kombuthurai village. Dr. V.Kanagalakshmi MBBS., DGO., Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Sri Bhuvaneshwari Nursing Home, Ottapidaram was the camp advisor. More than 60 people benefitted from the camp and free medicines were distributed to them. Doctor also stressed on the importance of womens’ health and prevention of diseases.
Department Of Chemistry initiated the Community Development Programme 2016 (TOUCH) with the motto “Inspire, Innovate, Impact” at Our Lady of Expectation Community Hall, Pazhaiyakayal, Thoothukudi District on 25th August 2016 at 10.00 a.m. Rev.Fr.Sahayaraj Rayen, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Expectation Church, Pazhaiyakayal inaguarated the programme with a prayer and a motivational talk. Inmates of the adopted area actively participated in the meeting. Students enacted a skit showing the ill effects of drug abuse. The
students recorded a socio-economic survey of that area. The CDP unit of the college organized a meeting on 29th September 2016. Ms. Vimala, representative from TMSS explained about the government schemes available for common people. People participated enthusiastically and clarified their doubts. Four members from our adopted area participated in that meeting.
CDP of Chemistry department organized the demonstration programme of preparing “Household articles and Food Adulteration”on 26.1.2017 at Our Lady of Expectation Church, Pazhaiyakayal, Thoothukudi District. Students were divided into groups and demonstrated the preparation of Washing powder, Cleaning powder, Phenyl, Liquid blue and Ajwain water to the people. Students also elucidated the common adulterations and created awareness. People of that area actively participated in the demonstration. A group of students met the people individually and made a survey on student dropouts, economically downtrodden, people in need of government schemes, tailoring machines and toilet facility.

Department of Botany
During this academic year Amali nagar village was selected. We visited that village on 18th September 2016 and done the following activities. Socio economic survey, Eye camp along with Agarwal Eye Hospital, Hands on Training on preparation of Herbal product. Prison ministry awareness programme was conducted on 25th January 2017

Department of Computer Science
The inaugural function of the Community Development Programme by Computer Science department was held on 20.08.2016 in Vellapatti. Fr. Fabiyan, Parish Priest, presided over the function.
On 20-08-16 -Social Economic Study of Vellapatti Village in Tuticorin was undertaken. Profile of the study area-: Vellapattiis a small fishing village in the southern part of Gulf of Mannar, situated 10 km North of Tuticorin town, Tamilnadu, India. Total Population of this Town – 1131, Male -572, Female - 559.
The second meeting of the Community Development Programme by Computer Science Department was held on 08.09.2016 on the topic The Prison Ministry of India at the Convent presided by Rev.Fr. Benjamin. The meeting started with the prayer song followed by the introduction of the Prison Ministry of India. The short video portrayed the miserable life of the prisoners. It was followed by Reverent Father’s speech.
The third Community Development Programme by the Computer Science Department was a Medical Eye Camp held on 09-10-2016 in association with the Aravind Eye Hospital Thoothukudi. Eye camp at Vellapatti: The Eye Camp started at 9:00 a.m at the Village R. C. School. The camp was organised by 8 Nurses and a Doctor from the Aravind Eye hospital,
Tuticorin. The people checked and rectified their diseases with the doctor. Free Spectacles were provided to the myopia, hypermetropia and presbyopia patients. The patients with Cataract disease were provided free service in their hospitals. The Eye camp was useful to the people since the people had to travel long distances to check their vision and the people also economically poor to afford such expenses.
II B.Sc. Computer Science students visited our CDP adopted village Vellapatti on 03.02.2017at 7 p.m. along with Rev. Sr.K.Reetha and Felicita. Mrs.Esther, Staff nurse, Government Medical College Hospital, Thoothuokudi spoke about health and hygiene. She insisted women should take pay more attention to their health which in turn help them to maintain their family members healthy. Through various cultural programmers health and hygiene awareness was imparted to the village people.
On 11-12-16 the department made the fourth visit to the village. The children of the town were gathered to teach them basic computer education, conduct games and give prizes and also to teach them moral values through small action songs. Most of the children belong to the age group of 10-14.All of them are studying. There is a school in the town which is run by a private RC mission. It offers education till 5th standard. For higher studies the students go to Thoothukudi by public vans and other transport. They give more importance to Education.

Department of Commerce
The outreach activities of Department of Commerce commenced on 8th October 2016 in the adopted area Dhupaspatti, a small village situated on the outskirts of Thoothukudi. Sixty students accompanied by four faculty members - Dr. G. Stella Beatrice Nirmala, Dr. Mary Judith Reene Fernando, Mrs .D.Daisy Bai and Mrs .R. Jenifer Trina visited the area. The co –ordinator of the area Mr.Augustine, Tug Master (Rtd) of V.O.C Port Trust, Thoothukudi, enlightened on the lifestyle, occupation and culture of the people in the area. The students then undertook a survey of the socio-economic conditions of the people in the area using a structured questionnaire. The survey is intended to enable to plan the activities to be undertaken in the adopted area.

Department of Commerce (SSC)
The Second year students of Commerce (SSC) [Corporate, General and Computer Applications] have adopted Thai Nagar and Kamaraj Nagar, the coastal areas near Thalamuthu Nagar. Inaugural and a survey were conducted on 17th September 2016. The following plans were conducted in those areas. Awareness Programmes on health and hygiene, Eye camp. Survey Analysis in Kamaraj Nagar- From the survey, it was found out that the main occupation of majority of the people residing in this area is fishing. Their annual income is below Rs.40,000. The survey reveals that most of the people both men and women are uneducated
but they give preference to the education of their children. The major problem faced by them is non-availability of drinking water and they are spending approximately Rs.400- 500 p.m. to buy drinking water and their second major problem is inadequate street lights which leads to the fear of robbery, chain snatching etc.
Survey analysis at Thai Nagar- From the analysis it was found out that most of them need hospital facilities, mid-day meal facilities and proper transportation and water facilities. They also requested the CDP unit to arrange for tailoring and computer charges. The unit assured them that their needs will be taken care of as soon as possible.

Department of Economics
The inauguration was held on 30.7.2016 and the socio economic survey was conducted on the same day. Nearly 275 households were interviewed. Area people are encouraged to have Vegetable Garden in their homes by providing the seeds free of cost sponsored by the Lions Club of Thoothukudi on 26.10.2016. On the same day our trained students gave training on jewellery making and embroidery work to the village women.
A free Eye camp was organised on 18.2.2017 in which 75 persons were beneficiaries.
Banking awareness programme was arranged for Jeeva nagar people on 16-09-2017 by Mr. Mohan Gandhi, Manager, TMB, Thoothukudi
Women Protection Awareness Programme was organised on 14-10-2017 in which Ms. Pasa Malar, Advocate, District Court, Tirunelveli was the resource person. Christmas function was celebrated on 16-12-2017. Dr.J.Moses Gnanakkan, Assistant Professor, Bishop Caldwell College, Thoothukudi delivered the Christmas Message.
The Department of Economics adopted Jeeva Nagar near Thiruchendur in this year. The students visited the village and conducted field survey on 25.7.2016 and a report has been prepared.
Department of Economics organised one day Free Eye Camp conducted by Dr.Agarval Eye Hospitals, Thoothukudi on 18-02-2017 in their adopted village of Jeeva Nagar

Department of Mathematics (SSC)
The CDP Program was inaugurated on 24 August 2016 with the support and prayers of the parish priest of Palayakayal and the head of the village. The people gathered together and our students started with the prayer song. Our students took census and cleaned the surrounding and the church in Mukkani.
During our second visit, the Pongal Day was celebrated on 7th January 2017. Various programs and games were conducted for the people and prizes were distributed and a motivational speech was given by the parish priest of Palayakayal.

Department of BBA
The BBA department adopted a coastal area, Tharavaikulam, Thoothukudi District. Rev. Fr. Edward, Parish Priest, St. Michael’s Church, Tharavaikulam help us throughout our journey.
On 15th September 2016 on the Holy Feast of Our Lady of Sorrow, the students of II BBA made their first visit to the selected coastal village, Tharavaikulam. Rev. Fr. Edward, Parish Priest, St. Michael’s Church, Tharavaikulam gave the inaugural address. After which the students took survey of their requirements, and the drop out ratio from school etc.
On 22nd December 2016 the students of II BBA celebrated Christmas with the Students of St. Michael’s Primary School by enacting the Birth of Christ, Christmas Carols etc. The kids enjoyed the play and celebrated with us.
On 17th of March 2016 the students of II BBA made their last visit, in which they planted trees at St. Michael’s Primary School, around school and church ground and at the Hospital as a part of “Go Green India”.

Year 2015 - 2016

Department of English
The department conducted spoken English classes in its adopted village Thalamuthunagar. The programmes included PPT on personal Hygiene and a chance for change, PPT on English Grammar (Nouns & Pronouns), PPT on Parts of speech inculcated the need for communication skill and PPT on Nouns to the school children and conducted an Eye Camp.
The inaugural meeting was held on 08.09.15 under the guidance of Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo, staff-in-charge of C.D.P for the current year 2015-2016. Due to unexpected heavy rains, the programme had a change. The II BA English Literature students (55)formed themselves into groups and did the Power Point Presentation on ‘Personal Hygiene and A chance for change’. They had sown the seeds of good manners and behaviours among the young minds. Rev. Fr. Iirudaya Raj requested the students to concentrate more on spoken English for the middle classes (6th -8th). In spite of the unexpected heavy rain, CDP Committee did their allotted work enthusiastically.
On 20.10.15 Batch 1, comprising of 32 students of II BA English under the guidance of Ms. M. Mangaleshwari formed themselves into groups and did the PPT on English grammar (nouns) for the students from 2 pm - 4 pm in the R.C. Middle School campus, Thalamuthunagar. They captured the attention of the young minds with a very clear picture of singular and plural nouns. As Rev. Father had stated his desire to concentrate more on middle classes (6th-8th) during the Inaugural Meet, the first meet of CDP successfully went on fulfilling the desire of the parish priest.
The II Batch comprising of 32 students of II B.A English made the next visit to Thalamuthunagar on 15.10.15 under the guidance of Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo. The students formed themselves into groups and did the P.P.T on “Parts of Speech”. They taught the basic things needed for them to frame sentences of their own.
On 11.02.16 under the guidance of Ms. Mangaleswari the first batch of thirty students of II B.A English Literature made the next visit to Thalamuthunagar. The students divide themselves into groups and taught the middle class (6th-8th) students, “Sentence Formation”. They made them understand very distinctly the simple rules to frame sentences. As the students were from middle classes they were drilled to grasp it easily. They
were also made to understand the importance of communicating in English. This CDP meet was really a useful one to the students.
The second batch of thirty students of II BA English visited Thalamuthunagar on 16.02.16 under the guidance of Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo. The students as usual divide themselves into groups and summed up what they have been teaching the students so far. This time the students gave their feedback. They wanted more such classes. The Parish Priest thanked all the students and asked the students to concentrate more on their lessons also. He wished the department to adopt the same area next year also for the benefit of his students.
As part of the community development programme a one-day Eye Screening Medical Camp was conducted for the benefit of the villagers. CDP in collaboration with Vasan Eye Care Unit sponsored by the Lion’s Club Thoothukudi made every arrangement possible for them. The Opthomologists from ‘Vasan Eye Care’ diagnosed the little children as well as the people who came from the surrounding areas. Nearly 350 children and 200 villagers attended the eye checkup. They were provided with an entry card which would enable them to have a free entry at ‘Vasan Eye Clinic.’ At our request the Lion’s Club Governor, who was on the site, promised R.O. water supply for the students.
Along with that the II year English students sponsored ten chairs for the staff members of the R. C. Middle School. The Headmistress was so happy and thanked the students whole heartedly. The Parish Priest thanked the students sincerely. The students were also happy. They felt that they had done something useful for them because they were attached to them so much. In short CDP for the current year 20015-16 was a fruitful one.

Department of History
The department conducted welfare activities in its adopted village Arockiapuram . They paid tribute to Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam and distributed saplings and seeds of vegetables for the villagers to motivate the habit of kitchen gardening on 25. 08.2015. Women’s Day celebration and Eye Camp collaborated with Vasan Eye Care on 08-03-2016.

Department of Economics
The department conducted many programmes and welfare activities in its adopted village in Pandarampatti. Adult Literacy, jewellery making, regular literacy for school children, free veterinary medical camp and celebrations were organised. Organised Tree Plantation with Lions & Lioness Club of Thoothukudi and planted many trees around the Church and Temple on 9.1.2016. Nearly 150 fruits and medicinal trees were planted and distributed to the village people for their home garden.
Pongal celebration was conducted on 23.1.2016. Dr. Arul Josephine, Assistant Professor of Tamil, St.Mary’s College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi was the chief guest and gave the Pongal message.
Cleaning Day was observed on 27.2.2016 in which the students visited the houses and gave awareness about the cleanliness.
Women’s Day was celebrated on 7.3.2016. Mrs. Mariammal, Advisor, Thiraviam Self Help Group was honoured as Chief Guest on that day and she spoke about the benefits of Self Help Groups. On the same day our students gave training in jewellery making for 20 girls and Vermicompost preparation for 10 boys of the village

Department of Mathematics
The department organised welfare activities in its adopted village in Lasalle Nagar. They conducted Socio-Economic survey and an Eye Camp collaborated with Vasan Eye Care. The C.D.P for the academic year 2015-2016 was inaugurated on21st August 2015 at Lasalle Nagar, Thoothukudi. The II B.Sc Mathematics students invited the people of that area for the inauguration. The people and students gathered together and the councillor Mrs. Muthumathi presided over the meeting. It started with the prayer song followed by the skit on the theme ‘Swatch Bharat’. The students entertained the people by singing a song. They also conducted games to children in that area and distributed the prizes.
The students of II B.Sc. Mathematics gathered together and went to Lasalle Nagar, Tuticorin on 21.12.2015 for community development programme (C.D.P). The students went in groups and visited each home personally and collected their personnel details and also asked them about the health camps they expect. Among them few financially weak families were chosen and embroidery and quilling works were taught for their future progress.
On 5.3.2016 an eye camp was conducted on Lasalle Nagar area. The eye camp was organised by the members of Vasan Eye Care. Most of the people in and around Lasalle Nagar came for eye check up. It was very useful for the downtrodden people there.

Department of Chemistry
Department Of Chemistry initiated the (TOUCH) with the motto “Inspire, Innovate, Impact” at Our Lady of Expectation Community Hall, Pazhaiyakayal, Thoothukudi District on 25th August 2016 at 10.00 a.m. Rev.Fr.Sahayaraj Rayen (Parish Priest, Our Lady of Expectation Church, Pazhaiyakayal) inaguarated the programme with a prayer and a motivational talk. Many of the people of that place actively participated in the meeting. Students also insisted the ill effects of drug abuse through skit, which inspired the people more. The students took a socio-economic survey of that area.We returned to our college at 3p.m.
CDP unit of our college organized a meeting on 29th September 2016. Ms.Vimala, a representative from TMSS explained about the government schemes available for common people. People participated enthusiastically and clarified their doubts. Four members from our adopted area participated in that meeting and gathered valuable information.

Department of Physics
The department conducted various programmes in its adopted village Kovilpillaivilai such as taking Census, creating awareness on education, awareness on cleanliness & self-employment, Training programme to prepare phenyl & soap oil and visited the flood affected area and extended their help and Celebrated Christmas, Pongal and conducted free Medical Camp.
On the 17th August 2015 CDP was inaugurated at Kovilpillaivilai the adopted area. Students went to the houses in groups of four and met the people there. Spoke to them and came to know about their life style. They stressed them on the importance of education and also taught some people to write their signature.
On 2nd September 2015 at 4p.m. the people of the area were given an awareness talk on cleanliness and self-employment. On 23rd September 2015 the students went to Kovilpillaivilai and gave training to prepare phenyl and soap oil. Around 25 participants attended the training program.
On 9th January 2016 the students visited the people of flood affected area and extended the needful help.
On 12th January 2016 the students went to the area and conducted competitions for the people according to their age groups in the view of Pongal day celebrations. The speech was given to the people about New year and Pongal celebrations. Sweets and prizes were distributed to all the participants.
On 7th March 2016 few of our students met the people and informed about the free medical camp to be conducted on 9th March 2016 in connection with the celebration of the women’s day.
On March 9, 2016 a free medical camp was organised. Dr. V.Kanagalakshmi MBBS., DGO, Obstetrics and Gynacologist, Sri Bhuvaneshwari Nursing Home, Ottapidaram headed over the camp. More than 50 people attended the camp and free medicines were issued to them. Doctor also gave a speech on the importance of women health in particular and how to be preventive of diseases.

Department of Chemistry
The department conducted various programmes in its adopted village 3 cent Anthoniarpuram such as Tree Plantation, Awareness Programme on Adulteration of food
stuffs, Pongal celebrations and free Medical Camp. The students of II BSc.Chemistry accompanied by Mrs.S.RaniJeyaMary and Dr.Mrs.Irudaya Antonat Sophia visited the adopted area, three cent, Anthoniaryarpuram on Sep.7th 2015. The students were divided into eight groups comprising of six members visited the houses and planted 50 saplings in the area.
The students of II BSc.Chemistry accompanied by Dr.Mrs.T.Linda Fernando and Dr.Mrs.A.Lakshmi visited the adopted area on Oct.16th 2015. The students were instructed to create awareness among the inmates of the area about “Adulteration of food stuffs’ clearly showing with photographs various chemicals added as adulterants and simple means of identifying adulteration at home.
Pongal was celebrated in the adopted area on Jan. 11th 2016. Pongal was distributed to the inmates, games were conducted for ladies and children and prizes were distributed to the winners.
The students of II BSc.Chemistry accompanied by Dr.Mrs.T.Linda Fernando and Dr.Mrs.Parveen Sulthana visited the adopted area on Feb.12th 2016. They distributed the Invitation for free medical camp in the surrounding area and invited the people. The Department of Chemistry in association with Lions and Lioness club of Tuticorin and Rajesh Multispeciality Hospital organised “Free Medical Camp” at three cent , Anthoniyarpuram on Feb.13th 2016. Dr. Jasmine Rajesh and Dr.Lakshmi , Rajesh Multispeciality Hospital were the consulting Doctors. Free medicines were also supplied to the patients.

Department of Botany
The department conducted various programmes in its adopted village Mangalagiri such as Drug Awareness Programme, Literacy Programme for the children, Training programme on Raising Organic Kitchen Garden, Hands on Training on Preparation of Herbal Products and celebrated New Year, Pongal and Women’s Day. Drug awareness programme was conducted on 27th July 2015. On 23rd July 2015 coaching classes for weak students was conducted in the adopted village. In order to raising organic kitchen garden we have conducted training programme on 8th August 2015. Hands on training on preparation of Herbal product was done on 17th December 2015. Pongal was celebrated on 18th January 2016. Women’s day was celebrated on 8th March 2016.

Department of Zoology
The department conducted various programmes in its adopted village Keela Alangarathattu such as Socio economic survey, Basic Computer Education, Dengue Awareness Programme, Artificial Jewellery-making, Origami to the kids and celebrated Women’s Day.
On 14.08.2015 and 6.10.2015 forty-five students of II B.Sc. Zoology accompanied by two staff members went to the village and surveyed their socio- economic status. Our students made house visit, met the people and collected the information. Information about socio- economic status, education and occupation were collected. The survey revealed that the village is inhabited by 52 families. Only 5 persons are Government employees and 5 engaged in business. Almost all the families are below the poverty line. Most of them are involved in fishing and employed as coolies in nearby saltpans. Women are not self-employable. Many families are dearth of sanitation facilities. Open defecation is commonly prevailing. People are poorly educated reaching schooling at the maximum. Only 24 persons completed their graduation. About 42 families belong to the catholic order. The people are spiritually guided by the catholic priest Rev. Fr. John Selvam.
On 27.10. 2015 our students gave awareness about outbreak of dengue symptoms, consequences and preventive measures to the people. The parish priest has the plan to establish computer literacy center with the intention of making children computer literate. As per his request on 28.10.2015 our students gave a basic computer knowledge to the school children. The people from our adopted village enthusiastically participated in the Christmas Day Celebration conducted in our college on 22.12.2015.
To promote their earning and a way of spending their leisure time in a profitable way we decided to introduce the art of artificial jewelery making to the women of our adopted area. On 27.02.2016 we visited the adopted area and our students trained the home makers on jewelery making. Creative programmes like origami was also given to the children to bring the potentials of the children out.
Women’s day for the year 2016 on 4.3.2016 was celebrated in the adopted area, Keela Alangarathattu. Rev. Sr. Maria Shanthi, Assistant Professor of Tamil, St. Mary’s College presided over the function. She delivered an inspiring and thought provoking speech on the multifaceted roles played by women, both in house and at work place. She also emphasized on the need for realizing the worth and power of women hood and importance of girl child. A skit focusing on the importance of educating girl child in family was performed by the students. Games were conducted for the women and children and the winners were given prizes.

Department of Computer Science
The department organised programmes in its adopted village such as Awareness Programme- Health & Hygiene, Computer literacy programme for ladies and celebrated Christmas and Women’s Day. On 25.08.2015 the students of Second B.Sc Computer Science visited the adopted village Puthurpandiapuram at 2.30 pm. The students went around it and
interacted with the people to know about their life style and motivated them to keep their surroundings clean. The inmates were insisted to open a small savings account to encourage savings to meet their emergency needs. One group of students visited the school and demonstrated how students can use laptops for their studies.
On 1.09.2015 the students made a visit to the village for the second time. During this visit, they interacted with the families and explained them about the use of computers and how they can use it in their day to day life like Online payment of EB-bill, Telephone bill, Mobile recharge, Net banking etc. They were also informed about the importance of Aadhar card.
On 15-12-2015 the people and school children participated in the Christmas celebration organised by our department. A valuable message was delivered through a street play.
On 08-03-2016, the teachers and students of the department of computer science visited the village to celebrate a international women’s day. The meeting started with a prayer song and competition for women were conducted on the topic “Women Empowerment”. Prizes were distributed to the winners. An awareness was given to them to educate the girl children in order to enable them to become empowered women.

Department of Commerce
The department in its adopted village Inigo Nagar and conducted programmes such as Socio-economic Survey, Awareness Programme on Health & Hygiene, Harmful effects of Consuming Alcohol, Motivation to SHGs to renew their activities, Celebrated Women’ Day and Free Eye Camp. A group of 64 students of II B.Com along with two staff members Mrs. Celine and Mrs. Banumathi visited , Inigo Nagar on 25th August 2015.The Students visited the houses and gathered the relevant information regarding socio economic background ,credit availed and constraints in borrowings.
On 1st September 2015, an awareness programme was organized. All the II B.Com. Students with two staff members Mrs. Ida Roseline Vought and Mrs.Jeyaselvi actively Participated in this programme. Mrs.Adline,Assistant Professor of Micro Biology, St.Mary’s College (Autonomous) explained the people about the need for Hygiene and how to maintain good Health.The village People are benefitted by this programme.
Department of Commerce (Corp.) and Dept. of English (SSC)
They adopted the area “Thai Nagar” (Tsunami Area) various programmes were conducted to enlighten the people. With a thought of bringing awareness about the surroundings, an Environmental Awareness Programme was arranged on 21.09.2105. On 22-12-2015 and on 09-03-2016 programmes such as Environmental Awareness Programme, Flood Relief Camp, celebrated Christmas, and Women’s Day.
Department of Commerce (CA), Micro-biology
The department conducted various programmes in their adopted village Therespuram on 25-08-2015, 31-08-2015, 18-09-2015, 22-09-2015, 27-10-2015, 22-12-2015, 13-01-2016, 12-02-2016 and 04-03-2016 such as Awareness Programme, Census & Educational Awareness, Environmental Clean Camp, A meeting for taking Steps for Drainage Construction, Cleaning Day, Helped the needy Children in time of flood, celebrated Pongal, Cultural programmes, celebrated Women’s Day and distributing saplings to the people.

Department of BBA
On 9th September 2016, the students of II BBA made their first visit to their Adopted village Anna Colony. The students conducted a campaign to create awareness among the people of the area regarding the importance of using latrine. Furthermore the students also created awareness regarding the necessity of higher education in today’s society.
On 17th of March 2016 the students of II BBA made their last visit, in which they planted trees at St. Michael’s Primary School, around school and church ground and at the Hospital as a part of “Go Green India”.
On 15th September 2016 on the Holy Feast of Our Lady of Sorrow, the students of II BBA made their first visit to the selected coastal village, Tharavaikulam. Rev. Fr. Edward, Parish Priest, St. Michael’s Church, Tharavaikulam gave the inaugural address. After which the students took survey of their requirements, and the drop out ratio from school etc.
On 22nd December 2016 the students of II BBA celebrated Christmas with the Students of St. Michael’s Primary School by enacting the Birth of Christ, Christmas Carols etc. The kids enjoyed the play and celebrated with joy.
On 21st December 2016 after the heavy rain and flood the students of II BBA made the next visit by seeing the environment the students generously gave clothes and food materials to the people of that area.
On 10th February 2016, the students of II BBA made their next visit in which the students held awareness programme regarding a healthy and hygiene environment as the area was affected too much by flood and heavy rain.

Department of Mathematics (SSC)
For the year 2015-16, we adopted Anthoniyar kovil street in Therespuram area. Various programmes were conducted on 25.08.2015 to enlighten the people about Awareness on Health & Hygiene and Environmental cleanliness. Students demonstrated on how to fill bank challan and games were conducted for children.

Year 2014 - 2015

Department of Zoology
The village Anthoniyarpuram which is situated 5 Km away from the college has been adopted. There are about 300 families in the village. People are moderately educated. Most of the people in the village are Palmworker collecting neera (pathaneer). Coordinating the Palmyra climbers villa administration has formed a society for selling neera to the consumers. Besides carrying out of a few developmental works with the profit, this village gets through neera and jaggery sale. Apart from this few people from this village working in salt factories
The inaugural function of the community development programme was celebrated on 21.09.2014 at Anthoniyarpuram near Korampallam. The function started with a prayer song. Dr. A. Elezabeth Mary welcomed the gathering and Dr. R.D. Thilaga was the chief guest. In her presidential address, she explained the importance of education and asked the people to avail the opportunities given to them for the betterment of community. The special invitee for the function was Rev. Fr. Augustin Parish Priest, Anthoniyarpuram felicitated the inaugural function and motivated the community to take active part in all the programmes and gain the benefits. The cultural programmes were performed by our students and the programme came to an end with the vote of thanks.
On 11th October 2014 Forty two students of II. B.Sc Zoology accompanied by two staff members Mrs. Jesy Diaz and Mrs. S. Selvi visited the adopted area Anthoniyarpuram to take the socio-economic survey. Students made a house to house visit met the people and collected the information. They were able to collect details from around 30 families and details on their socio-economic status, education and occupation were collected.
On 25.10.2014 to promote earning and make the people self-sufficient and a way of spending their leisure time in a profitable way it was decided to introduce the art of artificial jewellery making, soft toys making and artificial flower making to the young women of the adopted area. For school children free basic computer education was given.

Department of Mathematics
Community Development Programme was inaugurated on 12.10.2014 at Iyervilai. Tmty. Muthumathi, Councillor of that area was the chief guest. Students of II B.Sc., Mathematics entertained the village people. Various games were conducted for them and prizes were given to the winners. On 6.12. 2014, census was taken regarding their facilities. The village people gave full co-operation to our students. Christmas celebration was held on 20.12.
2014. Sweets were distributed and cultural programmes were conducted. On 10.01.2015, Pongal celebration was held. Students prepared Pongal at the village. People also helped the students during the preparation. Women’s day was celebrated with great enthusiasm on 20.03.2015. Students staged a skit and a tableau which created awareness about women’s rights to the people. All the visits were both useful and enjoyable to the students. The village people were very co-operative and kind.

Department of Chemistry
The students of II BSc.Chemistry accompanied by Mrs.S.RaniJeyaMary and Dr.Mrs.Irudaya Antonat Sophia visited the adopted area , three cent , Anthoniaryarpuram on Sep.7th 2015. The students were divided into eight groups comprising of six members visited the houses and planted 50 saplings in the area.
Pongal was celebrated in the adopted area on Jan. 11th 2016. Pongal was distributed to the inmates , games were conducted for ladies and children and prizes were distributed to the winners.
The students of II BSc.Chemistry accompanied by Dr.Mrs.T.Linda Fernando and Dr.Mrs.Parveen Sulthana visited the adopted area on Feb.12th 2016. They distributed the Invitation for free medical camp in the surrounding area and invited the people.
Department of Physics
CDP was inaugurated at Kovilpillaivilai on 20.10.2014 for the academic year 2014-2015.The inaugural address was given by Mrs.Muthumathi, 17th ward councillor, Thoothukudi. The schedule programme was discussed with the councillor. On 28.11.2014, the people of the area were given an awareness talk on cleanliness by the students.
On 03.12.2014, the students took a survey of the people on ‘Kovilpillaivilai makkalin valzhai murai’. They visited nearly 50 houses and maintained the records based on their needs, facilities and other necessities.
On 22.01.2015, the students met the people of the area and conducted the ‘Muperum vizha’. The speech was given to the people about Christmas, New year and pongal celebrations. Sweets were distributed to the children.
On 24.01.2015, the students went to the area and conducted competitions for the people according to their age groups in the view of Republic day celebrations. Rev. Dr. Sr. Lucia Rose, Secretary of our college delivered a talk on small savings and distributed the prizes to the children and woman.
On 9.3.15 the students met the people of the area and celebrated “World Women's day”. Students contributed a active participation in the program we conducted. Programs like
tableau, speech and other events were conducted. Rev. Dr. Sr. Jessie Fdo gave speech about development of women, their needs and their importance in this world.

Department of BBA
On 7.02.2015 and 23.02.2015 40 students and two staff members visited the adopted area. Our students taught jewellery making and the participants learned to make ear drops. For school going children, our volunteers taught basic computer education and they are highly enthusiastic in learning the basic operation and trained the old people for signing their names.
The Report of Community Development Programme (CDP) for the year 2014 – 2015. As a part of community activity the Department of BBA adopted a coastal area Anna Colony which is located in the beach road.
On 23rd August 2014, the students of Business Administration made their first visit to the adopted coastal area, Anna Colony. The programme started with a pray song and Ms.Vijalakshmi Asst. Prof. Dept of Business Administration gave the Inaugural address on the purpose of the TOUCH programme.
On 5th September 2014, the students made their next visit in which they took survey of all the facilities provided to them under the government scheme such as window benefit, old age benefit, education scholarship, drop outs in high school and so on.
On 11th October 2014, the students conducted a awareness programme on the various subjects learnt by the students in that area.
On 14th December 2014 the students of business Administration conducted various competitions for the women and children of Anna Colony as part of Christmas. The people of that area actively participated and enjoy with the students.
On 21st December 2014, the students celebrated Christmas with the people of Anna Colony by enacting the Birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas Carols, Santa Clause dance and the prize were distributed to the winner of the Christmas day Competition.
On 13th January 2015, the students and the faculties of Business Administration celebrated Pongal along with the people of Anna Colony.

Department of English
This year the members of the English Department planned to impart education to the nearby rural community, Thalamuthunager with the socially downtrodden people. With education as its vision the department worked for the societal progress. The inaugural meeting was held on 17.9.2014 at the Thalamuthunager R.C. Middle School campus. Mrs. Catherine, H.O.D. of English, welcomed the gathering. Fr. Antony Doss, the Parish Priest of Thalamuthunager gave the keynote address. The students actively participated in the
programme highlighting the importance of spoken English through a skit. Every event that followed focused on the objective of teaching communicative English to the students. Rev. Fr. Antony Doss, spoke on the value of English Language and thanked the Marian community for the efforts taken for the uplift of their community and wished the department every success in its endeavours. Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo staff-in-charge of C.D.P. gave the vote of thanks.
The enthusiastic students concentrated on teaching the smaller ones in the adopted area the basics of English language at regular intervals. Christmas and New Year were joyfully celebrated with full fervour by the students irrespective of the differences based on religion and community. Nativity of Jesus was the highlight of the day. The significance of Advent was emphasized through lighting candles of various colours and Santa drew the attention of smaller kids with graceful dances. Rev. Fr. Antony Doss gave the Christmas message. Christmas cakes were distributed to the students.
On 18.3.2015, an awareness programme on cleanliness is given to the students by giving importance first to self cleanliness and then to classroom cleanliness and later to the cleanliness society at large by Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo staff-in-charge of C.D.P. In short C.D.P. for the current year 20014-15 was a fruitful one.

Department of Botany
During this year the department adopted Mangalagiri village, which is situated 19Km away from Thoothukudi. The Socio economic survey was taken on 9th September, 1st October and 11th October 2014. Eye camp was conducted along with Vasan Eye Hospital on 12th October. New Year and Pongal was celebrated on 10th October.
The inaugural function of the Community Development Programme (TOUCH) by Computer Science department was held on 9.7.2014 in Puthur Pandiapuram. Mr.Muniaswamy Panchayat President, Presided over the function.
Department of Computer Science visited the CDP adopted area Puthurpandiapuram on 22.12.2014 at 8.30 a.m with an agenda to contribute towards “Clean India Drive”. Staff and students with the help of villagers, cleaned the area.
Department of Computer Science celebrated X-mas on 23.12.2014 at 11 a.m in the adopted CDP area. The villagers and school children participated in the celebration. Valuable messages were delivered through street play.
Department of Computer Science visited the CDP adopted area Puthurpandiapuram on 31.03.2015 at 2 p.m. The students were divided into 8 groups and each group was assigned an activity. Some groups were responsible for teaching English to the small kids with laptops and other groups gave awareness to the women of that area.

Department of Microbiology
On 23rd August 2014 II Year CDP students attended the inauguration of CDP at Anna colony. Father Pradeep, parish priest, Cruzpuram and Father Sathish, Assistant parish priest was the chief guest.
On 5th September 2014 CDP students went to Anna colony for the second visit and taken census for the families residing there. Our students took tuition for the Children in CDP adopted area – Anna colony. On January month CDP students went to Anna colony to celebrate Pongal.

Department of Commerce
Students visited Ceylon colony and undertook survey on 24th August 2014. The inaugural was held on 30th September. 75 students and faculty participated and undertook cleaning campaign. The adopted area was changed to Inigo Nagar. On 4th February 2015, the Parish priest Fr. Benjamin D’Souza and on 5th February conducted ‘Mupperum Peruvizha’.

Department of Mathematics, B.Com corporate, B.A English and B.Sc Maths (SSC)
The report of Community Development Programme for the year 2014-2015, submitted by the department of B.Com corporate, B.A English and B.Sc Maths. Thai colony was adopted in Thalamuthu Nagar. Rev. Fr.Antony Das, parish priest and Brother Little Raj, helped to organise the gathering. A visit to Thai nagar was made on 14th October 2014 and it began with an inaugural function with Rev.Fr.Antony Das, parish priest and Brother Little Raj and Rev.Sr.Shibana.
On 20th December 2014 was the second visit. The people were entertained through Christmas carols, dance, skit on developing the quality of sharing, comic blast and competitions were conducted for elders and children as well.
This year the members of the English Department planned to impart education to the nearby rural community, Thalamuthunager with the socially downtrodden people. With education as its vision the department worked for the societal progress.
The inaugural meeting was held on 17.9.2014 at the Thalamuthunager R.C. Middle School campus. Mrs. Catherine, H.O.D. of English, welcomed the gathering. Fr. Antony Doss, the Parish Priest of Thalamuthunager gave the keynote address. The students actively participated in the programme highlighting the importance of spoken English through a skit. Every event that followed focused on the objective of teaching communicative English to the students. Rev. Fr. Antony Doss, spoke on the value of English Language and thanked the Marian community for the efforts taken for the uplift of their community and wished the
department every success in its endeavours. Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo staff-in-charge of C.D.P. gave the vote of thanks.
The enthusiastic students concentrated on teaching the smaller ones in the adopted area the basics of English language at regular intervals. Christmas and New Year were joyfully celebrated with full fervour by the students irrespective of the differences based on religion and community. Nativity of Jesus was the highlight of the day. The significance of Advent was emphasized through lighting candles of various colours and Santa drew the attention of smaller kids with graceful dances. Rev. Fr. Antony Doss gave the Christmas message. Christmas cakes were distributed to the students.
On 18.3.2015, an awareness programme on cleanliness is given to the students by giving importance first to self cleanliness and then to classroom cleanliness and later to the cleanliness society at large by Mrs. Jacqulaine Leo staff-in-charge of C.D.P. In short C.D.P. for the current year 20014-15 was a fruitful one.

Department of Economics
In the year 2014-2015, Pandarampatti village was adopted by the department. The inauguration was held on 23.8.2014 and the socio economic survey was conducted on the same day. Nearly 677 households were interviewed.
The area cleaning was done on 30.10.2014 by the students in and around the areas of temple, church and the Convent.
A Skin Care Camp was organized on14.12.2014 by the department with Dr.Thatheus, Skin Specialist, Thoothukudi with 75 beneficiaries.
Christmas Day was celebrated on 21.12.2014 in Pandarampatti Church Ground. Christmas message was given by Fr. Lipton, Parish Priest of the Church. Students conducted various games to the children of that village and the department conducted Crib competition.
Organised Tree Plantation with Lions & Lioness Club of Thoothukudi and planted many trees around the Church and Temple on 9.1.2015. Nearly 150 fruits and medicinal trees were planted and distributed to the village people for their home garden.
Celebrated Pongal Vizha on 12.1.2015 and conducted kolam competition to the ladies and games for the children of the adopted area and distributed sweet Pongal to the people.

Department of Computer Science
The inaugural function of the Community Development Programme (TOUCH) by Computer Science department was held on 9.7.2014 in Puthur Pandiapuram. Mr.Muniaswamy Panchayat President, Presided over the function.
Department of Computer Science visited the CDP adopted area Puthurpandiapuram on 22.12.2014 at 8.30 a.m with an agenda to contribute towards “Clean India Drive”. Staff and students with the help of villagers, cleaned the area.
Department of Computer Science celebrated X-mas on 23.12.2014 at 11 a.m in the adopted CDP area. The villagers and school children participated in the celebration. Valuable messages were delivered through street play.
Department of Computer Science visited the CDP adopted area Puthurpandiapuram on 31.03.2015 at 2 p.m. The students were divided into 8 groups and each group was assigned an activity. Some groups were responsible for teaching English to the small kids with laptops and other groups gave awareness to the women of that area.