Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number |
Pazha mozhi Naanooru paharum vazhvial | Dr.Sr.Maria Shanthi | Tamil | Marian Quest | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
vivilia ozhyil saiva siddhandham | Dr.Sr.Ezhilarasi | Tamil | Marian Quest | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
illakiangalil Nadaiyiyal Kotpadugal | Dr.A.M.Sonal | Tamil | Marian Quest | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Bharadhi Dhasan kattum Pintamil Vazhvu | Dr.A.Arul Josephine | Tamil | Modern Tamil Research | 2017 | ISSN: 2321-984X |
Foucault on Tragedies of Euripides | T. Mary Manonmani |
English | Roots - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Parsi Nostalgia in Gieve Patel's Play, Princes | L. Jacqulaine Leo | English | Roots - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Theatrical Voices in Dr.Faustus | N. Sumathi |
English | Roots - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Patriarchal dominance and Feminine struggle in silence! The court is in Session | Ms.A.Judit Sheela Damayanthi | English | Roots -International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Breaking the Stereotype: A Critique on Streetcar Named Desire | G. Sharon Roque Corera | English | Roots -International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Universal Myths, Symbols, Rituals in Drama | X. Amala Steffi | English | Roots -International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Collective Creation: A study of Native Issues in Canadian Drama | Dr. A. Josephine Alangara Betsy | English | Roots -International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Langston Hughes's Mulatto: Weaving of the Pedestrian and Performative Characteristics of African American Expressivity | Dr.B.Serena Margaret | English | Roots - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
The Uniqueness of Parsis in the Indian Culture of Plurality | Dr.Jaculaine Leo | English | Marian Quest - A Bi-annual Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN: 2249-7145 |
Conditioning Women to Patriarchal Norms: A Study of Geetha Hariharan's The Thousand Faces of Night | Dr.F.Mary Priya | English | Marian Quest - A Bi-annual Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN: 2249-7145 |
The Essence of Being: Saul Bellow's Seize the Day | M.Mangaleswari | English | Marian Quest - A Bi-annual Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN: 2249-7145 |
Indian Ethos and values in the Narratives of Bharti Kirchner | N.Sumathi | English | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Discovery of the female self: A Study of Anita Nair's Mistress | A.Judith Sheela Dhamayandhi | English | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Gendre conditioning in Margaret Laurence's The stone Angel | A.Judith Sheela Dhamayandhi | English | Indian Streams Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN: 2230-7850 |
Fetters to Freedom: A Story of Anita Nair's Ladies Coupe | A.Judith Sheela Dhamayandhi | English | Golden Research Thoughts | 2017 | ISSN: 2231-5063 |
Kurt Vonnegut's Gala' Pagos : A Catastrophic caution of Charles Darwin's Natural Laws of selection | Dr.S.Sudha rani | English | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Psychotherapeutic Catharsis in Milton's Samson Agonistes | Ms.Maria Sahaya Sharmila | English(SSC) | Roots -International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN: 2349-8684 |
Theatre of the Absurd in Samuel Beckett and Eugene lonesco | Dr.Thenmozhi | French | Roots-International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN:2349-8684 |
Theatre of the Absurd in Samuel Beckett and Eugene lonesco | Dr.Thenmozhi | French | Roots-International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN:2349-8684 |
Theatre of the Absurd in Samuel Beckett and Eugene lonesco | Dr.Thenmozhi | French | Roots-International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Researches | 2017 | ISSN:2349-8684 |
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanol extract of Bacolepis nervosa against Carbon Tetrachloride induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats | Dr.Sr.A.Arockia Jenecius Alphonse | Botany | International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology | 2017 | ISSN: 0976-4550 |
Evaluation of Antifertility potential of ethanolic extract of Bacolepis nervosa in male albino rats | Dr.Sr.A.Arockia Jenecius Alphonse & Mohan.V.R | Botany | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences | 2017 | ISSN:2231-234X(P) ISSN: 2231-2331(O) |
Pharmacognostic & Phytochemical evaluation of Bacolepis nervosa stem & leaf | Dr.Sr.A.Arockia Jenecius Alphonse & Mohan.V.R | Botany | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Review & Research | 2017 | ISSN:0976-044X |
Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of methanol extract of Sauropus bacciformis whole plant in Aloxan induced diabetic Rats | Dr.A.Jacintha Tamil malar | Botany | Europian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research | 2017 | ISSN: 2394-3211 |
Anti-inflammatory Potential of Capparis diversifolia Wight.Arn.Leaf Extract Against Carrageenan Induced Paw Edema in Rats | Dr.A.Jacintha Tamil malar, Saravana Gandhi & Uma Maheshwari | Botany | International Journal of Research in Ayurvedha and Pharmacy | 2017 | ISSN:2277-4343(P) ISSN: 2229-3566(O) |
Phytochemical screening of the leaf extract of Capparis divaricata Lam.By GC-MS Analysis | Dr.A.Jacintha Tamil malar, Saravana Gandhi & Uma Maheshwari | Botany | International Journal of Applied and Pure Science and Agriculture | 2017 | ISSN:2394-823X(P) ISSN:2394-5532 (O) |
Synthesis of silver nano particles from tissue extract of marine puffer fish Arothronstellatus | P.J.Joslin ,P.Kanthimathy & S.Selvi | Zoology | Indian Streams Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN: 2230-7850 |
Synthesis of silver nano particles from tissue extract of marine puffer fish Arothronstellatus | P.J.Joslin ,P.Kanthimathy & S.Selvi | Zoology | Indian Streams Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN: 2230-7850 |
Assessment of antipyretic activity of the marine Gastropod Babylonia Spirata | A.Bavani sarasvathy,R.D.Thilaga S.Jaya Ruby,& C.Shibana | Zoology | International Journal of Current Research | 2017 | ISSN: 0975-833X |
Assessment of antipyretic activity of the marine Gastropod Babylonia Spirata | A.Bavani sarasvathy,R.D.Thilaga S.Jaya Ruby,& C.Shibana | Zoology | International Journal of Current Research | 2017 | ISSN: 0975-833X |
Physico -Chemicals analysis of drinking water samples from different places of thoothukudi city | Sr.C.Shibana,R.D Thilaga & S.Durka Devi | Zoology | World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2017 | ISSN: 2278-4357 |
Physico -Chemicals analysis of drinking water samples from different places of thoothukudi city | Sr.C.Shibana,R.D Thilaga & S.Durka Devi | Zoology | World journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2017 | ISSN: 2278-4357 |
Activity of Digestive Enzymes and Intestinal Microflora in the Marine Gastropod Fusinus Nicobarius | P.Subavathy & R.D.Thilaga | Zoology | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2017 | ISSN: 2277-7105 |
Anti oxidant activities of aqueous & methanolic extracts of the crab Charibdis feriatus | Sr.C.Shibana,R.D Thilaga,Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz,T.Esther Elsie | Zoology | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2017 | ISSN: 2278-4357 |
Anti oxidant activities of aqueous & methanolic extracts of the crab Charibdis feriatus | Sr.C.Shibana,R.D Thilaga,Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz,T.Esther Elsie | Zoology | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2017 | ISSN: 2278-4357 |
Anti oxidant activities of aqueous & methanolic extracts of the crab Charibdis feriatus | Sr.C.Shibana,R.D Thilaga,Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz,T.Esther Elsie | Zoology | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2017 | ISSN: 2278-4357 |
Azotobacter Chroococcum-A plant Growth Promoting rhizobacteria formulated as biofertilizer in vermicast carrier | Mahesh Manjula .K & Maria Heartina Adlin Vaz.A | Microbiology(SSC) | International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Science(SSRG-IJAES) | 2017 | ISSN:2394-2568 |
Screening of bioactive compound, antimicrobial activity producing halophilic isolates from the salt pans of thoothukudi district | Deepalaxmi.R.K & Gayathri .C | Microbiology(SSC) | African journal of Microbiology Research | 2017 | ISSN:1996-0808 |
Anti bacterial activity of different solvent extracts of Ganoderma lucidum against some bacteria of dental caries and Ganoderma tooth paste preparation | H.Nasrin & C.Siluvai Kirubahari Aneeshia | Microbiology(SSC) | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Biodegradation of diesel by microbes isolated from oil contaminated soil | S.Aiswarya & C.Siluvai Kirubahari Aneeshia | Microbiology(SSC) | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
A study on antimicrobial & insecticidal activity of Nerium oleander | Joys Selva mary Albert | Microbiology(SSC) | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Chitosan extraction characterisation with its antioxidant activity from shrimp waste | S.Muthulakshmi & Joys Selva mary Albert | Microbiology(SSC) | Marian Quest- A Bi-annual Multi Disciplinary Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN:2249-7145 |
Essential concepts of pg**-closed sets | Dr.A.Punitha Tharani, & G.Priscilla Pacifa | Mathematics | International Journal of Mathematical Archive | 2017 | ISSN: 2229-5046 |
g*α- closed sets in Topological spaces | Dr.A.Punitha Tharani | Mathematics | International Journal of Mathematical Archive | 2017 | ISSN: 2229-5046 |
S.No | Title Of The Paper | Name Of The Author/S | Name Of The Department | Name Of The Journal | Year Of Publication | ISSN Number |
1 | E.V Ramasamy, A Pioneer Reformer of Socio-Economic Conceptualisation of Women’s Human Rights – A Study | Anuja S S | History | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research | 2020 | 0022-1945 |
2 | The Kerala Women’s Commission (KWC): A Panacea for Women’s Confrontation in Kerala | Anuja S S | History | Journal of Science, Technology and Development | 2020 | 0950-0707 |
3 | “Masculine Marginality in Suniti Namjoshi’s The Mothers of Maya Diip” | Ms.Maria Sahaya Sharmila | English (SSC) | Our Heritage Journal, UGC Care Approved International Index and Referred Journal | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
4 | The Ruthless Exploitation and the Ill-treatment of the labourers in Mulk Raj Anand's Two Leaves and a Bud | Dr. D. Shunmugajothi | English (SSC) | Our Heritage Journal, UGC Care Approved International Index and Referred Journal | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
5 | Mass Media Possesses Both Angel and Demon: A Study of Aravind Parashar's Mesed Up! But All for Love | S. Jenitta | English (SSC) | Our Heritage Journal, UGC Care Approved International Index and Referred Journal | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
6 | “Quest for Identity in Suniti Namjoshi’s St. Suniti and the Dragon” | Ms. Maria Sahaya Sharmila | English (SSC) | Parishodh Journal, UGC Care List- Group –I | 2020 | 7021-2008 |
7 | Martha and her Thought Process: A Psychoanalytical Reading of Doris Lessing's Children of Violence Series | Dr. D. Shunmugajothi | English (SSC) | Parishodh Journal, UGC Care List- Group –I | 2020 | 7021-2008 |
8 | Literacy and Usage of Value Added Services offered by banks | Dr. P. Jayamary | Commerce | Paripex- Indian Journal of Research | 2020 | 2250-1991 |
9 | The Other Side Of The Coin: An Enquiry Into The Difficulties And Apprehensions Encountered By Consumers With Green Products | Dr. S. Bulomine Regi | Commerce | Restaurant Business | 2020 | 0097-8043 |
10 | Customers’ Satisfaction Towards Service Offers Offered by Telecom Service Provider | Dr. S. Bulomine Regi | Commerce | International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research | 2020 | 2394 -7780 |
11 | Measuring Public Sector Customers’ Attitude Towards Technological Innovative Banking Services (IBS) Using Structural Equation Model (SEM) | Dr. S. Bulomine Regi | Commerce | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) | 2020 | 2005-4238 E-ISSN: 2207-6360 |
12 | A Study on Significance and Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Thoothukudi | Dr. A. Saleth Mary Vetriselvi | Commerce | East Trust Journal UGC Listed, (In Press) | 2020 | |
13 | An Empirical Study about Work Life Balance of Self Financing Professors | Dr. A. Saleth Mary Vetriselvi | Commerce | Our Heritage Journal- Multi Disciplinary journal (UGC Approved Journal) | 2020 | ISSN: 0474 - 9030 |
14 | Role of Women Participation in the distribution of Sea foods in Thoothukudi district | Ms.O. Sony | Commerce | Our Heritage | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
15 | Investment Stratagem of IT Employees | Dr. S. Bulomine Regi | Commerce | Our Heritage | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
16 | Awareness of Food Safety Knowledge and Practice among the Mothers of Infants | Dr.T.Priyanka | Commerce (SSC) | Studies in Indian Place Names | 2020 | ISSN :2394-3114 & Impact Factor: 6.3 |
17 | Role of SHGs in Empowering the Rural Women and Poverty Alleviation – A Study with Special Reference to Mappillaiurani Panchayat Union of Thoothukudi | Dr.T.Priyanka | Commerce (SSC) | International Conference on Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research | 2020 | ISBN-978-81-944509-3-1 |
18 | Role of Supporting Institutions in Promoting Women Entrepreneurship in Tirunelveli City | Ms. S. Lyrics Miruna | Commerce (SSC) | Our Heritage Journal | 2020 | ISSN0474-9030 |