
PG and Research Department of Zoology

The Department of Zoology was elevated to a Research Centre in 2010. That same year, the M.Phil. program was introduced under the Self-Supporting Stream to encourage postgraduate students to embark on research. The department provides postgraduate students with excellent opportunities to explore and excel in the field of research.

By aligning the curriculum with global trends in higher education, the department ensures students are equipped with the skills and competencies required to thrive in a global academic and professional environment.

Currently, the department has four research guides approved by ManonmaniamSundaranar University. Fifteen research scholars are actively pursuing their doctoral degrees, and thirteen scholars have successfully completed their doctoral theses at this research centre.

Research Centre Aims to

  • Foster a scientific mindset and prepare students for advanced research endeavors.
  • Provide a common platform for scholars focusing on organism-oriented and integrative approaches to studying animal form, function, development, and evolution.
  • Aspire to become a centre of excellence in Zoology and Zoological Sciences, offering comprehensive training at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels.
  • Create an interdisciplinary research environment encompassing a wide range of subjects.
  • Prepare students to stay abreast of recent advancements in scientific research.
  • Conduct high-quality research in specialized areas of Biosciences to make a significant impact at national and international levels.
  • Deliver professional training programs for skill development, catering to the needs of the state and the country through short-term courses.

TheResearch Centre has the following provisions:

Library facilities for the Research Centre 

Area in sq.ft Total No. of Books Available Total No. of Journals Available Total No. of Computer Systems with Internet facilities
22’7’’x 18’0’’ - 2,368 15 Computer – 12 Laptop - 1 I.Q.Board - 1


Journals under N-LIST   :       6000+e-journals 1,63,300 + e-books

(National Library and Information Service infrastructure for scholarly content)

NDL (National Digital Library)  :   Learning electronic resources from of NDL India (6,00,000 e-books through NDL)

  • Wi-Fi enabled Department
  • LCD Projector enabled classroom

The Research Centre aims to:

Faculty Approved as Research Guides:  

Name of the Guide & Guideship No. Area of specialization No. of Scholars (doing) No. of Scholars (Awarded)
Dr.R.D.ThilagaM.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D MSU/RES/INT/ GUIDESHIP/R5/2008 (Retired) Zoology (Malacology& Marine Pharmacology) 1 11
Dr.P.J.Joslin M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D MSU/RES/INT/ GUIDESHIP/R5/2010 Marine Biology 5+1 (Coguide 1
Dr.Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz M.Sc.,M.Phil., B.Ed.,Ph.D MSU/RES/INT/ GUIDESHIP/R5/2017 Marine Biology 3 1
Dr. Sr. C. Shibana M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D MSU/RES/Ph.D./Guideship/2020 Marine Biotechnology 2+2 (Co Guide) - -
Dr.P.Subavathy M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D MSU/RES/Ph.D./Guideship/R1/2019 Marine Biology 2 - 0

Ph.D. Awarded under the guidance of Research Supervisors


S.No Name of the Scholar Year of Completion Topic
1 P. Rama Devi 2016 Some therapeutic applications of lectin isolated from sea urchin, Temnopleurusalexandri(Bell,1884)
2 S. Mary Bapista Janet 2016 Reproductive and nutritional biology of fresh water fish Puntius aruliustambraparnei
3 P. Subavathy 2018 Exploring the possible avenues for DNA sequencing, pharmacology and nanoparticles in Turbo brunneus (R. 1798), Cypraeaannulu (L.1758) and Babylonia spirata (L. 1758)
4 T. Thanga Rani 2020 A survey on some vector borne diseases in Thoothukudi town and a holistic approach to prevent them
5 A.Bhavani Saraswathy 2020 Probing the pharmacological feasibility of marine GatropodPhalium glaucum
6 S. Jeya Ruby 2024 Finding the suitability of Hemifususpugillinus in pharmacological research
7 T. Esther Elsie 2024 Exploring Tonnadolium(Linnaeus,1758) as a probable candidate animal for marine drugs by studying the biosystematics, biochemical, digestive physiology and pharmacology.


S.No Name of the Scholar Year of Completion Topic
1 S. Selvi 2019 Screening of bioactive compounds in marine pufferfish Arothronhispdus (Linnaeus,1758) from Thoothukudi Coastal region

Dr. Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz

S.No Name of the Scholar Year of Completion Topic
1 J. Esther Mereen 2024 Marine Bioluminescent Bacteria: Characterization and its Role in Detection and Biosorption of Environmental Pollutants

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ScholarDoing Research

S.No Nameofthe Scholar Date of Registration Topic Name of the Supervisor
1 A.Jenivi (17212212012003) (Full-time) 08.02.2017 Studiesonbiological,biochemical,microbiological,pharmacological andpollutionaspects of Telescopiumtelescopium Dr.R.D.Thilaga
2 A.MariaHeartinaAdlinVaz (18122212192001) (Part time) 10- 1 2018 Biocompetitive Exclusion of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria in Biofilm Community – A novel and an ecofriendly approach to control microbiologically influenced corrosion Dr. P.J. Joslin
3 S. Jamesammal (18222212272014 ) (Part time) 5-7-2018 Beneficial role of Lactic acid bacteria in food preservation and human health Dr. P.J. Joslin
4 C. Gayathri (18222212102013 ) (Part Time) 5-7-2018 Biopotential of compatible solutes isolated from marine bacteria of Thoothukudi Coast Dr. P.J. Joslin
5 P. Kanthimathi (20112212192003 ) (Full time) 7.3.2020 Screening and Characterization of Bacteria Associated with Puffer Fish from Thoothukudi coast Dr. P.J. Joslin
6 G.Monica (19112212192007) (Full Time) 24.12.2018 Probing the Pharmacological Efficacies of Synthesized Nanoparticles from the Ink of Sepia Species Dr. Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz
7 S. MotchaArockiaVinista (19112212192011) (Full Time) 24.12.2018 Screening of Some Novel Therapeutic Compounds from Sea Urchin Species Dr. Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz
8 A.MariaSelva Francis (19112212192010 ) (Full Time) 24.12.2018 Exploration of potential bioactive compounds of starfish species Dr. Jemma Hermelin Jesy Diaz
9 S. ShanmugaSundari (21122212192008) (Part Time) 19.10.2021 Some pharmacological biochemical Toxicity and genetic studies on Arothronimmaculatus (Bloch&Schneider,1801) from Thoothukudi coast. Dr. Sr. C. Shibana
10 Maria Antony Dominical (23112212192008) Full Time 8.05.2023 Exploration of mitrochondrial DNA variability and phylogenetic analysis of Sardinella longiceps Dr. P. Subavathy
11 P. Kaviya Priya (23112212192007) Full Time 08.05.2023 In silico molecular docking and dynamic approach of molluscs towards anticancer agents. Dr. P. Subavathy
12 C. Pratheepa (23212212192002) (Full Time) 27.11.2023 Screening of bioactive potentials from Protunuspelagicus (Linnaeus 1784) Dr. Sr.C. Shibana
13 C. Brindha (23112212102004) (Full Time) 29.05.2023 Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging and Pharmaceutical industries Dr. Sr. C. Shibana
14 Jamila Jasmin S (23122212102005) (Part Time) 29.05.2023 Biopotential of Secondary metabolites from the selective medicinal plant Momordica cymbalaria Dr. Sr. C. Shibana
15 Devi Saraswathy R (23112212192006) (Full Time) 9.05.2023 Studies on pharmacological Properties of Operculum of Muricidae gastropod against therapeutic diseases Dr. .P.J. Joslin