
17 Dec 2020

As an initiative of the Institution’s innovation Council, the PG and Research Department of English organised an Orientation on the topic “Inspiring Youth: An Innovator’s Success Story” on 17th December 2020. Ms. Subin Jeba, IIC student representative, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest. Mr. B. Francis Amal George, a renowned Chartered Accountant and Motivational Speaker was invited to share the success story of his life and achievements. Mr. B. Francis Amal George is a befitting personality as he has proved himself successful in the various roles and capacities that he has served all through his career as a Chartered Accountant, Motivational Speaker and Part time lecturer in reputed institutions. He inspired the students by narrating the hurdles that he has faced in his life. He encouraged the students to involve themselves in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary  academic activities and also explained to them the scope for employment. The resource person highlighted his personal story of success and motivated the students. He added that, topping the college and university alone should not be the goal of the students but they should find their passion and seek the same. He encouraged the students to break the stereotypes and pursue innovation in whatever they do. Around 140 students belonging to English and Commerce disciplines were benefitted out of this motivational talk. At the end of the session, Ms. Brindha Sharon, IIC student representative, gave a feedback on the session and proposed the Vote of Thanks. The meeting came to an end with the College Anthem.