Centre for Job Excellence

  • Involves to put quality into everything the Marians can do
  • Develops professionalism enabling them to make rapid strides in their career
  • Career Guidance & Placement Cell and Guidance & Counseling Cell trains and facilitates a spirit of endeavor to excellence
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Career Guidance and Placement Cell organizes Guest Lectures, Job Fair and Campus Interviews for the students and ensures job opportunity to the skilled candidates as they complete their UG/ PG diplomas. The cell further facilitates the students by offering free guidance to pursue any Post Graduate degree of their choice.

Guidance and Counseling cell functions with an objective to empower student community by developing their positive attitude. The institution has two full time counselors and one part time counselor who facilitate the interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships of the students by conducting various types of counseling like Entry Counseling, Exit Counseling. Group Counseling, Sports Counseling and Individual/ Personal Counseling. The Counselors teach various stress-relief therapies to the counselees to manage stress and depression. Periodical meetings/ workshops/ conferences and seminars are organized by the cell for the students to ensure a healthy campus atmosphere.