
Research Centre - English

English as a subject and also as a medium of instruction has always held a prestigious position in the remarkable journey of St.Mary’s College. The Department of English was established with the inception of the college in the year 1948. English as a major discipline for specialization was first offered atthe graduate level in the year 1963 and at Post Graduate levelin 1967.M.Phil in English was introduced in 1991. The department was upgraded as Research Centre in the year 2013 with 2 Research Guides, approved by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

As a Centre for Research, the department is committed to fostering quality research through proper identification of budding talents and nurturingthem into competent scholars. At present there are 3 Research Guides in the department and 11 Research Scholars are pursuing their Doctoral Degree. So far 20 Scholars have successfully defended their Doctoral Thesis.

The Research Centre is equipped with adequate infrastructure:

  • Department Library consisting of 4080 books, 4046 Journals and CDs
  • 4 Computers, a laptop and two smart classrooms,
  • Wi-Fi enabled Department
  • LCD Projector enabled classrooms

The Research Centre aims to:

  • conduct researches on the emerging trends in Literature through the application of relevant literary theories.
  • develop a research environment in which young scholars deepen their knowledge and research skills.
  • respond to current social demands in the light of critical theories and literary canons that challenge the underlying paradigms of opposing cultures and literature.
  • foresee future challenges in the pursuit of wider intellectual, psychological and women centric concerns voicing through female consciousness.

Faculty Approved as Research Guides and Scholars:

Name of the Guide & Guideship No. Area of Specialization No of Scholars On-going No of Scholars Completed
Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine
Diasporic Literature - 6
Dr. A. Sebasty
Indian Writing in English - 4
Dr. Josephine Alangara Betsy
Canadian Literature & African American Literature 4 2
Dr. S. Sudha Rani
American Fiction & Critical Theory 4 4
Dr. F. Mary Priya
Indian Diaspora & ELT 3 4

Ph.D. Awarded

S.No Name of the Guide Name of the Scholar Reg. no Topic Date of Commencement Full time/ Part time Awarded Month and Year
1 Dr. F. Mary Priya Infantina R 19112214012005 Anthropocentric Exposition of Yann Martel’s Oeuvre 22.12.2018 Full time 16.10.2024
2 Dr. F. Mary Priya Bercina Fernando A 20212214012004 Conflicts of Hybridity in the Novels of Meera Syal 30.12.2020 Full time 28.06.2024
3 Dr. A. Josephine Alangara Betsy Ms. Collette Sharmila 17222214012002 A Postcolonial Reading of the Stolen Generation in Doris Pilkington’s Select Novels 10.08.2017 Part Time 29.04.2024
4 Dr. S. Sudha Rani Ms. M. G. Thibursius 19122214012002 Existential Enigma: A Postmodern Reading of Carol Ann Shield’s Select Fiction 21.12.2018 Full time 26.04.2024
5 Dr. A. Josephine Alangara Betsy Ms. K. Minnaa 18212214012002 The Dimensions of the Africana ‘Other’ in the Select Works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 15.07.2018 Full time 05.04.2024
6 Dr. F. Mary Priya Ms. Suriya 18222214012012 Resistance and Reconstruction: A Feminist Reading of Manju Kapur’s Novels 05.07.2018 Part time 19.03.2024
7 Dr. A. Sebasty Ms. Mary Bridget Rohini Fernando 11748 The Odyssey of Human Existence: A Reading of Jack Kerouac’s Oeuvre 20.12.2014 Full time 13.09.2023
8 Dr. F. Mary Priya Ms. G. Kanaga Durga 18222214012001 Contravention and Inclination: A Feminist Reading of Anita Nair’s Novels 05.07.2018 Part time 24.08.2022
9 Dr. S. Sudha Rani Ms. M. Hermina 18122214012002 Ethical Realism: Numinous Visionary Experience in Marilynne Robinson’s Select Works 10.01.2018 Part time 27.05.2022
10 Dr. S. Sudha Rani Ms. M. Sheyamala 18222214012006 A Study of Buchi Emecheta’s Select Fiction as Counter Discourses in Cross Cultural Challenges and Patriarchal Hegemony 05.07.2018 Part time 27.05.2022
11 Dr. S. Sudha Rani Ms. Shahaya Sheeba 18222214012011 Speculative Histories and Experimental Identities in Kate Grenville’s Select Works 05.07.2018 Full time 26.05.2022
12 Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine Ms. V. Rajarajeswari 11143 A Social Analysis of Select Novels of Bharati Mukherjee from Diasporic Perspective 03.01.2014 Part time 25.11.2021
13 Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine Ms. A. Judit Sheela Damayanthi 11454 Image of the Female: A Study of the Select Novels of Virginia Woolf, Margaret Laurence and Anita Nair 09.07.2014 Part time 16.06.2021
14 Dr. A. Sebasty Ms. G. Sharon Roque Corera 11134 Myth, Mystery and Magic Realism: A Reading of Select Novels of Paulo Coelho 28.11.2013 Part time 20.01.2021
15 Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine Ms. T. Mary Manonmani 11137 A Foucaultian Reading of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’urbervilles and Gustave Flaubert’s Madam Bovary 11.12.2013 Part time 13.03.2020
16 Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine Ms. Angeline Priya 11227 Narrative Technique and Paradigm Shift in Select Novels of Amitav Ghosh 07.12.2013 Part time 06.03.2020
17 Dr. A. Sebasty Ms. P. Sophia Persis 9538 Cultural Dilemmas and Displacements of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Works 20.07.2012 Part time 2019
18 Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine Ms. A. Minnal Carolin 11146 Manju Kapur’s Novels – An Aroma of Indian Family 02.01.2014 Part time 19.03.2018
19 Dr. A. Sebasty Ms. J. Thanga Nila 4534 A Reading of the Fiction of Kiran Desai 12.02.2013 Full time 08.12.2017
20 Dr. L.A. Emmanuel Catherine Mr. Selvam 2934 Voice of the Silenced: A Comparative Study with Special Reference to the Selected Plays of August and K.A. Gunasekaran 03.04.2014 Part time 07.04.2016

Ph.D. Scholar

S.No Name of the Ph.D. Scholar Date of Commencement Topic
1 Mr. A. Thomas 30.05.2024 Human Consciousness and Posthumanism: An Ecocritical Reading of the Works of Richard Powers
2 Ms. Josephine Christina Pasangha 06.05.2024 Against Cultural Amnesia: A Study of Remembering through Revising Myths and History in Selected Indian Works
3 Ms. S Anusia 06.05.2024 Deciphering the Migrant Struggle in the Select Works of Abdulrazak Gurnah
4 Ms. M. Rufina Mary 02.04.2024 Colonial and Cultural Coercion in the Selected Works of Buchi Emecheta
5 Ms. Melba Sharon J 28.11.2023 Spiritual Crisis and Egomania in the Select Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky: A Psychopathological Study
6 Ms. E. Anni Selva Iniba 05.12.2022 Visual Delineation of Immigrant’s Trajectory towards Identity in the Select Asian American Speculative Graphic Novels
7 Ms. Snow Reena. I 16.10.2021 Vision of an Altered Reality and Liminality and New Ethics in George Saunders’ Select Works
8 Ms. Mangalaeswari 15.10.2021 Phenomenology Beyond Times: Reading the Empirical Spectral of Lived Experiences of Hillary Mantel’s Select Works
9 Ms. Surya Deepa. J 12.10.2021 Resistance and Reconstruction: A Reading of Manju Kapur’s Novels
10 Ms. Jijani. V. Koshy 07.10.2021 Deconstructing Hegemony–A Transcultural Reading of Fatima Bhutto’s and Meena Kandasamy’s Select Works
11 Ms. Amala Steffi. X 05.07.2018 The Enigma of Identity and Psychic Prominence in the Manawaka Works of Margaret Laurence