Non Research Centres

Ph.D Scholars

Ph.D Scholars under the guidance of Research Supervisors

Research Guide: Dr. K. VINITHA 

Sl.No. Reg. No. Date of Commencement Name of the Candidate Title of the Ph.D Thesis Date of Viva voce
1. 7392 09.04.2011 V.Savithri Information seeking behavior of users in self financed colleges under Manonmaniam Sundaranar University -
2. 7393 20.04.2011 V.Srinivasan Scientometric Analysis of Nuclear Research for period of 2004 to 2014 23.11.2016
3. 8200 25.05.2011 S.Vasantha User pattern of Public Libraries in Thoothukudi and Ramnad Districts 02.05.2019
4. 8377 30.05.2011 S.Kandasamy A Study on user Attitude towards E-Resources offered by Manonmaniam Sundarnar University Library, Tirunelvelli 05.10.2017
5. 8405 27.06.2011 S.Makalakshmi Awareness & Utilization of ICT among students & Staff members of Engineering College: with Special reference to Thoothukudi districts. 17.07.2017
6. 9523 12.10.2012 K.S.Alvi World Literature on Hepatitis C Virus Research: A Scientometric Study 18.03.2015
7. 10471 18.06.2013 K.Muniammal User Survey on Reading habits of Newpapers among students from arts and science aided colleges with Spl. Reference- Thoothukudi 07.06.2019
8. 12008 10.08.2015 C.Ramasubrammanian Impact of Digital Library in Educating Engineering Graduates around Tirunelvelli District. 22.02.2021
9. 12169 02.05.2016 R. Kumaresan Global Literature productivity on Fish Diseases: A Scientometric Study Expired due to COVID
10. 18134012072072 10.01.2018 R.V.Lakshmi Priyaa Use Information and Communication Technology for selected Medical college Libraries in Northern District of Tamil Nadu: A case study

Research Guide: Dr. D.Amutha

Sl.No. Reg. No. Date of Commencement Name of the Candidate Title of the Ph.D Thesis
1. 19121241032004 21.12.2018 Miruna Devi (Part time) An Economic Study of Women Employment in Private Sector with special reference to Service sector in Tirunelveli District

Research Guide: Dr. A.M. Sonal

Sl.No. Reg. No. Date of Commencement Name of the Candidate Title of the Ph.D Thesis
1 R18123274022007 10.01.2018 Gnanam.R (Part time) Neer melanmai
2 19213274022002 23.07.2019 S.Navarathinam (Part time) Ettuthogai aga noorkalil soolaliyal sinthanaigal