
PG and Research Department of Commerce

In 1975, The Department of Commerce was established with B.Com. In 1980, it offered M.Com and elevated to PG Department of Commerce. In 2013, the Department was recognized and granted the status of a Research Department offering M.Phil and Ph.D programmes to aspiring scholars. Since then, the department has been striving to satisfy the thirst for knowledge and is focused on motivating and promoting research among researchers. In the past seven years, 52 scholars have completed their M.Phil Degree course. 14 scholars are pursuing Ph.D in our research centre (4- Full Time and 10- Part-time scholars. The department strives hard to enrich the capabilities of the students and takes pride in the accomplishments and achievements of students and scholars in their academic and career endeavours.

The Research Centre is equipped with:

  • Wi-Fi enabled Commerce Research Centre and Library consisting of 900 books and 20 National & International Journals
  • Computers - 5 and Laptops - 2
  • LCD projector

The Research Centre aims

  • to develop a thrust in research.
  • to inculcates new knowledge and deepen the research insights.
  • to flourish research through publications in UGC Care, Scopus and Web of Science.
  • to encourage and update scholars in specific research areas.

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Faculty Approved as Research Guide & Scholars

Name of the Guide & Guideship No. Area of Specialization No of Scholars On-going No of Scholars Completed
Dr.G. Stella Beatrice Nirmala
Logistics Management, and Marketing 1 2
Dr. A. Saleth Mary Vetriselvi
Tally, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting and Financial Accounting 3 1
Dr. S. Bulomine Regi &
Marketing and HR (Behavioural Studies) 3 3
Dr. T. Priyanka &
Marketing 3 -
Dr. B. Geetha Maheswari &
Income Tax, Law and Accounts 4 -

Ph.D Scholars

Name of the Scholar Category Date of Commencement Name of the Supervisor Topic
Ms. Maria Celestina Ralpha Part Time 05.07.2019 Dr. G. Stella Beatrice Nirmala Service Providers PF Logistics Industry in Thoothukudi
Ms. Vandimalaichi Selvi .B Part Time 29.8.2019 Dr. A. Saleth Mary Vetriselvi A Comparative Study On E-Banking Services Offered By Public Sector And Private Sector Banks In Tirunelveli District
Ms. Sutharsana .S Part Time 01.09.2019 Dr. A. Saleth Mary Vetriselvi A Study on Work life Balance of Tirunelveli Municipal Corporation Workers in Tirunelveli District
Ms. J. Antony Joeslin Full Time 30.01.2022 Dr. S. Bulomine Regi Pro environmental Behaviour of Fisherfolk in Coastal Villages of Thoothukudi District
Ms. J. Rejoice Full Time 07.05.2023 Dr. S. Bulomine Regi Stress among Non-Academic staff in Higher Educational Institutions of Select state University in South India
Ms. S. Veena Part Time 11.12.2023 Dr. S. Bulomine Regi Navigating Digital Transformation in Startups for scalability and sustainability
Ms. G. Meena Full Time 29.07.2019 Dr. T. Priyanka A study on the quality of work life of sanitary workers in Thoothukudi district
Mr. D. Maria Sahaya Diron Full Time 28.08.2019 Dr. T. Priyanka Assessment on commuters' satisfaction towards service quality of southern railways in Madurai Division
Ms. B. Adithya Full Time 29.08.2019 Dr. T. Priyanka A comparative study on internet banking services offered by public and private sector in Thoothukudi district
Ms. Machado Sneha John Part Time 30.12.2020 Dr. B. Geetha Maheswari A study on Contribution of working women towards the economic stability of their families in Thoothukudi District
Ms. S. Hameetha Full Time 08.10.2021 Dr. B. Geetha Maheswari A Study on Development of Online Women Entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu
Ms. Jerisha.M.R Full Time 12.10.2021 Dr. B. Geetha Maheswari A Study On Fishing Industry In Thoothukudi District
Ms. Sudha.P Part Time 30.10.2021 Dr. B. Geetha Maheswari A Comparative Study on the Perception of E-Banking Customers Towards Selected Public and Private Sector Banks in Thoothukudi District

Ph.D Awarded

S.No. Name of the Guide Name of the Scholar Reg. no Topic Date of Commencement Full time/ Part time Awarded Month and Year
1 Dr. G. Stella Beatrice Nirmala Dr. P. Aruna Devi 17222211012001 Green Consumerism A Study on Consumption of Eco Friendly Products in Thoothukudi District 10.08.2017 Part time 29.09.2023
2 Dr. S. Bulomine Regi Dr. Jabez Rajan 18221281011029 Passengers' Perception towards service Quality of Southern Railways - A study with special reference to Southern Districts 05.07.2018 Part time 13.10.2023
3 Dr. G. Stella Beatrice Nirmala Dr. Ajitha 18222211012009 Customer Centric Core Banking System At Commercial Banks in Thoothukudi District 05.07.2019 Part time 02.05.2024
4 Dr. S. Bulomine Regi Dr. M. Rani Subadhra 18211281012025 Investment Pattern and Behaviour of IT Employees towards Financial Instruments - A study with special reference to Chennai City 05.07.2018 Full time 20.05.2024
5 Dr. S. Bulomine Regi Dr. A. Surya 18221281012026 Work life Balance among Healthcare Professionals in Tirunelveli District 05.07.2018 Part time 20.05.2024
6 Dr. A. Saleth Mary Vetriselvi Dr. Sahaya Poorna Ranjitha.T 19222211012012 A Study on Impact of Social Media Networking Sites Among College Students with Special Reference to Thoothukudi District 29.08.2019 Part time -