Examination and Evaluation


  • The Controller of Examinations selects the Question paper setter from a panel comprising experienced faculty members from various colleges and universities.
  • Once in three years, we change the panel members. For this, we collect the profile of the panel members by sending a proper proforma along with a requisition letter to the principals of various colleges.
  • The question paper setter shall frame the question paper paying heed to the syllabus, model question paper, and the blue print sent to him/her by the college.
  • The question paper setter shall forward the question paper along with the scheme of valuation to the Controller of Examinations in sealed covers or by mail.
  • The number of invigilators shall be one for every 30 students.
  • The Board of Examinations shall consist of all the teachers of the departments and the external examiners. The Head of the Department of the discipline concerned shall be the Chairman of the Board.
  • We have single valuation for UG and double valuation for PG.
  • 10% of the evaluators are internal.
  • The Awards Committee approves the result.
  • Results will be published through the college website soon after the Awards Committee meeting.

Valuation Process

Evaluation process is transparent. Central valuation is followed for UG and PG courses. There is single valuation for UG and double valuation for PG. Results are scrutinized by the awards committee and published within 21 days after the last exam. Statement of marks for each semester and a c onsolidated statement of marks with security features are issued.

The students are assigned a grade based on their combined performance in ESE and CIA. The grades indicated carry a qualitative letter grade as well as the grade point number. The letter grade stands for the quality o f performance and is also associated with points in a quantified hierarchy. Based on the grades obtained by a student in all the subjects, a Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated. Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) for each semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for the entire program is calculated. A student is awarded First Class with Distinction and First Class Exemplary if the student passes all the subjects required in the first attempt within the permitted period.


9.50 - 10.00 O+ First Class Exemplary*
9.00 - 9.49 O
8.50 - 8.99 D++ First Class Distinction*
8.00 - 8.49 D+
7.50 - 7.99 D
7.00 - 7.49 A++ First Class
6.50 - 6.99 A+
6.00 - 6.49 A
5.50 - 5.99 B+ Second Class
5.00 - 5.49 B
4.00 - 4.99 C Third Class


9.50 - 10.00 O+ First Class Exemplary*
9.00 - 9.49 O
8.50 - 8.99 D++ First Class Distinction*
8.00 - 8.49 D+
7.50 - 7.99 D
7.00 - 7.49 A++ First Class
6.50 - 6.99 A+
6.00 - 6.49 A
5.50 - 5.99 B+ Second Class
5.00 - 5.49 B