Evaluation Procedures


Assessment Rules

Assessment Ratio :

Assessment for each course has two components:

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End Semester Examinations (ESE). These two put together ensure an objective assessment throughout the programme of study and cumulatively as well.

The ratio of CIA to ESE :

Theory Practical
I UG, III UG & I PG CIA : ESE 40 : 60 40 : 60
II UG & II PG CIA : ESE 25 : 75 40 : 60

Both CIA and ESE are mandatory to complete a course successfully.

Assessment Rules for UG:


I UG Tamil / French / General English / Core / Elective
II UG Tamil / French / General English / Core / Elective
III UG Common Core / Core / Elective

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

Components of CIA:

  • (i) Internal test               = 40 marks
  • (ii) Quiz                           = 10 marks
  • (iii) Assignment             = 5 marks
  • (iv) Class performance = 5 marks


              Total = 60 marks


60 marks will be converted to 40 marks (I & III UG) Minimum Pass mark - 16

60 marks will be converted to 25 marks (II UG) Minimum Pass mark - 10

  • Two centralised CIA will be conducted for a duration of one and a half hour for 40 marks each. The average of the two test scores will be taken.
  • An Online Quiz will be conducted for 10 marks in each CIA. The Average of the two quiz scores will be taken.
  • The average marks of CIA and quizzes will be combined with assignment and class performance scores.

Components for Class performance:

  • Attendance
  • Attentiveness
  • Participation
  • Completion of work
  • Extra-curricular activities

CIA : ESE = 20 : 30

I UG Skill Enhancement Course / Ability Enhancement Course
II UG NME / Ability Enhancement Course / Skill Enhancement Course
III UG Common Skill Based Course

Components of CIA:

  • CIA = 30 marks
  • Assignment = 5 marks
  • Class performance = 5 marks

Total = 40 marks

40 Marks will be converted to 20 Marks Minimum Pass mark - 8

  • Two centralised CIA will be conducted for a duration of one hour for 30 marks each. The average of the two test scores will be taken.
  • The average marks of CIA will be combined with assignment and Class performance scores.

Entrepreneurial Based Course:

  • One hour Entrepreneurial Based Course 20:30. Internal and External examinations will be in the form of Practicals / Presentation of models / Reports.

Evaluation Pattern:

  • Practicals / Presentation of models / Reports / Theory: 20 marks
  • VIVA / Demonstration : 30 marks

Self-Study Course:

ESE (2 hours duration) - 50 marks

There is no Internal Examination, only End Semester Examination. Question paper pattern depends on the content of the paper.

Viva Voce:

  • All the IUG and IIUG students will undergo a spoken English viva for 10 marks in the even semester.
  • All the IUG and IIUG French students will undergo a spoken French viva for 10 marks in the even semester.

Project Report Evaluation:

Under Graduate (UG) Marks
Internal Evaluation
Data Collection & Experiment work 10
Relevance, Objective & Focus of Project 10
Team Work 5
Originality, Innovation & Creativity 5
Oral Presentation 10
Total 40
External Evaluation
Relevance to the theme 15
Design of the Project 10
Mode of presentation (Models / Charts / Graph / Power Point Presentation) 20
Response to Questions & Criticisms 15
Total 60


Components Marks
CIA 40
Online Quiz 10
Assignment 5
Seminar 5
Total 60

60 marks will be converted to 40 marks

Minimum Pass mark - 20

  • Two centralised CIA will be conducted for a duration of one and a half hour for 40 marks each. The average of the two test scores will be taken.
  • An Online Quiz will be conducted for 10 marks in each CIA. The average of the two quiz scores will be taken.
  • The average marks of CIA and Quizzes will be combined with Assignment and Seminar marks.


Components Marks
CIA 40
Online Quiz 10
Assignment 5
Seminar 5
Total 60

60 marks will be converted to 25 marks

Minimum Pass mark - 13

  • Two centralised CIA will be conducted for a duration of one and a half hour for 40 marks each. The average of the two test scores will be taken.
  • An Online Quiz will be conducted for 10 marks in each CIA. The average of the two quiz scores will be taken.
  • The average marks of CIA and Quizzes will be combined with Assignment and Seminar marks.


CIA: ESE = 40: 60

The components of Internal Evaluation for practicals are as follows:

Components Marks
Involvement in doing the Experiments 20
Record 5
Attendance 5
Model Exam 10
Total 40

A candidate can appear for her ESE practicals, only if she has submitted her practical record.

Project Evaluation:

Project evaluation - 70 (40 Internal + 30 External)

Viva-voce - 30 (External)

Total = 100 marks


Post Graduate (PG) Marks
Internal Evaluation
Originality 10
Experimental design / Data collection / Experimental work 15
Literature Review / Mechanism of writing 15
Total 40
External Evaluation
Viva-voce - Presentation 15
Response 15
Total 30
Dissertation - Relevance to Topic 5
Dissertation format 10
Results & Discussion / Methodology 15
Total 30

A post graduate student will be declared as passed the course, only if she secures 50% in CIA and 50% in ESE

No improvement test is allowed for CIA and ESE

It is mandatory for students to complete one MOOC course during the first year of study

Under Graduate (UG):

K1 - Remember (Re), K2 - Understand (Un), K3 - Apply (Ap), K4 - Analyse (An), K5 - Evaluate (Ev), K6 - Create.

Question Paper Pattern for CIA: (Language, General English, Common Core, Core, Elective)

Time: 1½ hours Total Marks = 40

  • Section A: 5 x 2 = 10 (K2 (Un) - open choice - 5 out of 7) (50 words each)
  • Section B: 2 x 5 = 10 (K3 (Ap) - Internal choice) (200 words each)
  • Section C: 1 x 10 = 10 (K4 (An) - open choice - 1 out of 2) (400 words each)
  • Section D: 1 x 10 = 10 (K5 (Ev) - open choice - 1 out of 2) (400 words each)

Total = 40 marks

Components of CIA:

  • Online quiz = 10 marks (K1)
  • Internal test = 40 marks (K2, K3, K4, K5)
  • Assignment = 5 marks (K6)
  • Class performance = 5 marks

Total = 60 marks

60 marks will be converted to 40 marks (I & III UG)

60 marks will be converted to 25 marks (II UG)

Question Paper Pattern for CIA: (NME, Ability Enhancement, Skill Enhancement Course, Common Skill Based Course)

Time: 1-hour Total Marks = 30

  • Section A: 6 x 1 = 6 (K1 (Re) - Multiple choice)
  • Section B: 3 x 2 = 6 (K2 (Un) - open choice - 3 out of 5) (50 words each)
  • Section C: 2 x 5 = 10 (K3 (Ap) - Internal choice) (200 words each)
  • Section D: 1 x 8 = 8 (K4 (An) - open choice - 1 out of 2) (300 words each)

Total = 30 marks

Components of CIA:

  • Internal test = 30 marks (K1, K2, K3, K4)
  • Assignment = 5 marks (K5)
  • Class performance = 5 marks

Total = 40 marks (Converted to 20)

Question Paper Pattern for ESE (Language, General English, Common Core, Core, Elective)

Time: 3 hours Total Marks = 75

  • Section A: 10 x 1 = 10 (K1 (Re) - Multiple choice questions)
  • Section B: 5 x 2 = 10 (K2 (Un) - open choice - 5 out of 7) (50 words each)
  • Section C: 5 x 5 = 25 (K3 (Ap) - Internal choice) (200 words each)
  • Section D: 2 x 10 = 20 (K4 (An) - open choice - 2 out of 3) (400 words each)
  • Section E: 1 x 10 = 10 (K5 (Ev) - open choice - 1 out of 2) (400 words each)

Total = 75 marks

75 marks will be converted to 60 marks (I & III UG)

No conversion for II UG

Question Paper Pattern for ESE (NME, Ability Enhancement, Skill Enhancement Course,