

NATIONAL WEBINARS,Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for Education with special reference to Chat GPT, GPT 4 & LAMMA (2023-2024)

Library Committee and Institution’s Innovation Council of our college jointlyorganised a Seminar on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for Education with special reference to Chat GPT, GPT 4 & LAMMA”on 11th August, 2023.Dr. J. Arumugamand Mr. M.Prakash, Librarians from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore served as the resource persons. 272 students benefited out of the seminar.


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On 24th September 2022, Quiz Club in collaboration with Marian Research Forum and Library Committee organized a Quiz on the title “ National Educational Policy -2020” in online mode. 668 students were the participants of this event.


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NATIONAL WEBINARS, Prospects of Social media tools on Knowledge Sharing (2021-2022)

On 15 th December, 2021, Dept. of Library and IIC of SMC jointly organised a National Webinar on the topic “Prospects of Social Media Tools on Knowledge Sharing” through Zoom platform. Dr. J. Arumugam, Librarian, PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore served as the resource person.154 participants comprising of PG students, Research scholars and distinguished faculties from various institutions benefited out of the webinar.


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  1. Dept. of Library conducted National level Online Quiz on 10th, June, 2020 (9A.M. to 6 P.M). 816 responses with 78% scoring more than 50% marks
  2. On the eve of 'World Science day-Peace and Development' Dept. of Library and Quiz club of our college conducted National level Online Quiz Competition on 10th November, 2020 (7 P.M – 10 P.M). 564 students participated in the quiz competition
  3. Department of Library conducted National level webinar on “Academic Visibility in the Digital World”.  Dr. M. Madharasalam served his expertise on 12th Feburary, 2021. The webinar covered the agenda on how to create an ID and pros and cons while creating the IDs such as Orcid Id, Google scholar Id, Scopus Id, Academic and Researcher Ids. Each staff members gained knowledge on creating IDs and bring the academic visibility through IRINS and VIDWAN databases. 
  4.  Department of Library & Institution Innovation Council (IIC) conducted a National level Workshop on the topic “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP management for starter” on 16th March, 2021.Dr. K. Elavazhagan, Chief Knowledge Officer, IIM, Trichy served as a resource person. 150 staff members and IIC members’ students participated in the workshop.



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Topic: “Scientific Publication and Evaluation: Reference Tools, Citation Analysis and Plagiarism” 

The Department of Library, Library Committee and the Research Forum of St. Mary’s College in Technical Collaboration with SALIS (Tirunelveli chapter) organized a National Seminar on “Scientific Publication and Evaluation: Reference Tools, Citation Analysis and Plagiarism” on 3rd Feb 2020 in the Pearl Conference Hall. The seminar commenced with the Inaugural function Dr. K. Vinitha, Librarian, St. Mary’s College delivered the Welcome Address and presented the preamble of the seminar. Dr.Sr.Jessie Fernando - Principal, Dr. Sr. S. Kulandai Therese  - Deputy Principal, and Rev. Sr. Josephine Jeyarani -  Director of Self – Supporting Courses honoured the chief guests and the resource persons of the seminar. The presidential address was given by Dr.Sr.Jessie Fernando, Principal, St. Mary’s College, who stressed on the importance of writing and publishing articles in an ethical manner.

        Dr. K. Vinitha, introduced the resource person of the 1st  Technical Session. Dr. K. Elavazhagan, Chief Knowledge Officer, IIM Trichy, Dr. B. Jeyapragash, Assistant Professor, Department of LIS, Bharathidasan University, Trichy and Mr. J. Arumugam, Librarian, PSG College of Technology  were the resource persons. Dr. S. Suriya Narayanan Advisor SALIS delivered the Valedictory Address. Around 170 researchers attend the National Seminar on 3rd Feb 2020 at St. Mary’s College, Thoothukudi. 

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Topic: “Scientific Publication and Evaluation: Reference Tools, Citation Analysis and Plagiarism” 

The Department of Library, Library Committee and the Research Forum of St. Mary’s College in Technical Collaboration with SALIS (Tirunelveli chapter) organized a National Seminar on “Scientific Publication and Evaluation: Reference Tools, Citation Analysis and Plagiarism” on 3rd Feb 2020 in the Pearl Conference Hall. The seminar commenced with the Inaugural function Dr. K. Vinitha, Librarian, St. Mary’s College delivered the Welcome Address and presented the preamble of the seminar. Dr.Sr.Jessie Fernando - Principal, Dr. Sr. S. Kulandai Therese  - Deputy Principal, and Rev. Sr. Josephine Jeyarani -  Director of Self – Supporting Courses honoured the chief guests and the resource persons of the seminar. The presidential address was given by Dr.Sr.Jessie Fernando, Principal, St. Mary’s College, who stressed on the importance of writing and publishing articles in an ethical manner.

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Topic: “Fostering Transparency Routing out Plagiarism A to Z”

Department of Library and Research Forum jointly organized National Seminar on the topic ‘Fostering Transparency: Routing out Plagiarism A to Z’ on 20th July 2018. Academic standards are the benchmarks of Quality and excellence particularly in higher education. Fostering transparency in every academic activity should be the motto of each academician. Keeping in the mind that, there must be consistency as well as transparency in every academic  activity the department of Library and Research forum of the elite institution has deliberated the topic ‘Fostering Transparency : Routing out Plagiarism  A to Z with the well structured theme for discussion from among the expert and experienced academicians.

Prof. Dr.S.Srinivasaragavan Librarian & Head, Department of Library & Information Science, Bharathidasan University,Trichy  

Prof.Melchias Gabriel Former Dean & Asso.Prof.of Botany School of Biological Sciences, St.Joseph’s College,Trichy 

Prof. Ms.Sujatha, Librarian ,Fatima College ,Madurai

Prof. Dr.L.Radha , Librarian , Thiagarajar College of Engg, Madurai were  the resource persons of the seminar. II year PG Students and Staff  members of our college, research scholars and Librarian of other institutions across the country  participated in the seminar. 

Click on Read More for details from 2011 - 2019

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