The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college strives to sustain and enhance the quality measures upgraded by the institution since its inception in the year 2004. It arranges for periodic assessment and accreditations. The IQAC stimulates the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research. It ensures to collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance. It encourages self-evaluation, accountability and undertakes quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes. It consistently works for catalytic improvement and consciously contributes towards the overall excellence of the institution.

Report of IQAC


Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college strives to sustain and enhance the quality measures upgraded by the institution since its inception in the year 2004. It arranges for periodic assessment and accreditations. The IQAC stimulates the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research. It ensures to collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance. It encourages self-evaluation, accountability and undertakes quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes. It consistently works for catalytic improvement and consciously contributes towards the overall excellence of the institution.



Activities of the IQAC 2023 - 24 The Internal Quality Assurance Cell organised an Orientation Programme along with the Department of Tamil (SSC) on 5th June 2023 on “LiFE Initiative – Lifestyle for Environment” to celebrate the World Environment Day. Ms. S. Aswarniha, III B.Sc Chemistry, Ms. R. Freeda Ruby Judith, II B.Sc Psychology, Ms. T. Santhana Mari Karthika, III B.A. English Literature spoke on the role of the Leaders, the people, and the role of the sanitary workers to protect the environment. Ms. M. Asmitha, III B.Com was the moderator. 250 students participated in the online programme.

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IQAC conducted an orientation programme on 06.06.2022 in association with the MGNCRE, Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Ministry of Education. Dr. M Glory, Head & Associate Professor of Botany and Director of Centre for Eco Feminine Excellence addressed the first UG students on the theme “Global Environmental Crisis” with a statistical data about the water depletion, climate change, pollution, decreasing ground water table, global warming increasing mean sea level etc., and initiated the students to take the responsibility on their shoulders to participate in global environmental governance. She concluded with the remarks to save the Only One Earth and Nurture the Nature for Our Future. 571 students and 21 faculty were the beneficiaries. Dr. Sr. A.S.J. Lucia Rose received the certificate of Appreciation from MGNCRE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education for her contribution to the World Environment Day Celebrations June 2022 by facilitating and completing the Green activities in the campus.

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IQAC organised a two day National Professional Progression Programme on “Toward a Constructivist Framework for Fostering Change and Innovation in Higher Education” for the faculty on 7.06.21 & 8.06.21. On 7th June 2021 the chief guest Mr. Vigranth Bapu, Assistant Professor & PG Department Co-ordinator, Kristu Jeyanthi College, Bengaluru delivered an expert talk on “Adapting to Pedagogical & Emotional Changes during Covid 19” which initiated the faculty to  focus on accomplishing their wellness goals in the changing academic ambience and strengthen them with the new perspectives towards life changing circumstances in the academic arena. On 8th June 2021, Rev. Dr. Xavier Vedam S J, General Secretary, AIACHE spoke on “Institutional Expectations” highlighting the essential qualities that enrich the professional life of the faculty. Dr. S. Aloysius Albert, Assistant Professor of English and Dean of Students, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, addressed the faculty on the theme “Role of Instructors in 21st Century Classroom,” which highlighted the natural paradigmatic shifts in the field of higher education, the means of handling the digital learners in the post pandemic era. 147 faculty participated in the orientation programme.

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IQAC organised an International Faculty Development Programme on “Invisible Scholars: Students with Learning Disabilities and Identification of Students with Learning Disabilities” on 02-Jun-2020. Dr. Susie J Kozelka, Neuropsychologist, Brooklyn, New York addressed the faculty across the world on the most important task of the academicians in fathoming the different levels of learning disability inherent in student community and the extent to which they affect their academic access. She edified the teachers’ perception of the learners and the need to respect their unique giftedness She reiterated the moral obligation of the teaching fraternity in creating a responsive environment to the learners with disabilities by providing academic support resources necessary for those students to succeed.

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St. Mary’s College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi attained A+ Grade in the 4th cycle of reaccreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council on 1st May 2019 with 3.29 CGPA. The institution is one among the 65 higher educational institutions which have been awarded the higher status of academic excellence among 1402 institutions across the country. 

The IQAC endeavours to optimise the integration of modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation. Orientation for the faculty and the students invigorates the academic, and intellectual fervour in the campus and enhances the holistic development of the individual. To refine the training programmes, IQAC undertook methodological frameworks and conceptual underpinnings to foster professional development. The qualitative professional progression programmes provided the teachers with an opportunity to reflect upon the praxiological nature of their classroom realities in relation to their own professional development.

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          The academic year began with an orientation workshop by Dr. K. Alex St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Trichy on 20th June 2018. He dealt with ‘Attributes of a Good Teacher’. The s ession was highly motivational.
             The IQAC is involved in the final NAAC preparatory work. All activities have been oriented towards collecting and collating documents with the aegis of all the faculty members of the college. As such, presentation of the work done was made to the Administrators of the institution on 7th September 2018.
           Dr.Sr. C. Shibana Secretary, Dr.Sr.Jessie Fernando, Principal, Sr. Josephine Jeyarani, SSC Director, Dr. Sr. S. Kulandai Therese, Deputyy-Principal expressed their satisfaction and approval in this First Review Meeting.

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            The Internal Quality Assurance Cell, has been actively involved in the activities of the college. As the focus was to go in for Fourth Cycle of Accreditation, the Cell concentrated in its preparation. All the faculty of the college contributed immensely towards it. Documentation was further strengthened, with the creation of student database. On 15th June Mr. Gabriel Karunaraj, Director, Don Bosco Vazhikatti, Trichy, oriented the faculty on ‘Ethics and Teaching’. Keeping in view the different dimensions of ethics in education, the resource person dealt with the convention of teaching as a profession and the ethics and value involved in the noble profession. He showcased the need of ethics in the current scenario and insisted that teachers should equip students with confidence in young students, who have to face challenges

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  • Dr.Sr.Jessie Fernando - Principal

Management Nominee &Asst.Coordinator

  • Dr.Sr.M.S.Ezhilarasi - Assistant Professor of Tamil

Assistant Coordinator of IQAC

  • Dr.S.Beulah Jerlin - Assistant Professor of Botany


  • Ms.S.M.Rojapoo - Assistant Professor of History
  • Dr.C.Reena - Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  • Dr.C.Zozimus Divya Lobo - Assistant Professor of Chemistry
  • Dr.T.Priyanka - Assistant Professor of Commerce
  • Ms.S.Anusia - Assistant Professor of English (SSC)

Senior Administrative Officer

  • Ms.P.Rose Wens - Office Superintendent

Local Society Nominee /Trust

  • Ms.S.Rajathi - Director, Morning Star Social and Educational Support System, Thoothukudi

Student Nominee

  • Ms.P.Sai Akshaya - III B.Sc Botany


  • Ms.P.Rayani Nivethitha - Project Associate CSIR - CECRI Karaikudi


  • Dr.P.Johnson Durai Raj - Director; Postulate Institute of Research &Technology Thoothukudi


  • Er.J.Sahaya Reegan - CEO,Netz Solution,Thoothukudi

Stakeholder -Parent

  • Mr.M.Fortune - B.T.Asseistant Karapettai Nadar Boy's Hr.Sec School Thoothukudi

Coordinator of the IQAC

  • Dr.B.Serena Margaret - Associate Professor of English